
下列属于精密水准测量的是()。A.国家五等水准测量 B.国家四等水准测量 C.国家三










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My grandmother Adele loved culture and was generous with its gifts. When I was a child, she took me to museums, restaurants, dances. She showered me with gifts from her travels around the world. But I can only remember her giving me one book—a book that, to this day, I have not read. She presented me with her own favorite childhood book: Hans Brinker. My grandmother was happy to share this book with me. She even decorated the title page with her proud writing.

I tried to read it. I adored reading, and would dive into a new pile of books from the library all at once. But something about Hans Brinker just wouldn’t let me in. The story was set in Holland, a long time ago. It felt dull and unfamiliar—even though I was a fan of classics of other times and places. I simply read the first pages over and over. I could not progress.

Standing on a bookshelf in our living room, the book was like something I avoided. It scolded me for not being interested, for not trying hard enough, for disappointing my grandmother.

The book started to fit in, almost forgotten, until Adele asked. Had I read it? Did I like it? Always determined, she wanted to know the answer. I would make some kind of excuse, feel bad, and open it again, hoping for a new reaction. The book weighed on me.

Years passed and finally Adele and I both accepted that I would never read Hans Brinker. Eventually I cleared the book from the shelf. The Hans Brinker experience led me to set a rule that I’ve lived by ever since: Do not ask about a book given as a gift. Don’t ask, despite your desire to discuss it to grow closer. The desire for such connection is what gives book-giving with special meaning—and increases the owner’s possibility to be a letdown.

Guilt is basically the same as for all gifts, though. If the giver doesn’t have the pleasure of seeing or hearing about the gift being enjoyed, and asks whether it is, then the owner—unless she can truthfully say “yes”—either has to admit to not liking the present, or else lie on the spot. Neither is pleasant. So, don’t ask.

小题1: When the author was a kid, his grandmother ________.

A.took him to travel around the world a lot

B.loved to take him to museums and stores

C.shared her childhood stories with him

D.gave him many gifts小题2:What does the author think about the book his grandmother gave him?




D.Disappointing.小题3:The underlined sentence “The book weighed on me” in Paragraph 4 probably means _______.

A.the book is too heavy for the author to carry

B.the author feels stressful facing the book

C.the book is full of powerful viewpoints

D.the author keeps reading the book小题4:. The author learns from the Hans Brinker’s experience that never________.

A.give others books as gifts

B.lie to people who give you gifts

C.get close to others through gifts

D.talk about the books given as gifts


犯罪嫌疑人王强,男,1986年12月6日出生;刘波,男,1983年7月1日出生。二人均是中学毕业待业在家,无所事事,游手好闲,时常搭伴出去玩乐。2002年1月9日,王强与刘波一起去县城里的网吧,二人玩了一上午的游戏。中午因费用问题与网吧老板张某发生激烈争执,被张某等人打了几下,二人怀恨在心,伺机报复。当晚23时许,二人商量好后,带上事先准备好的汽油,趁人不备,将汽油洒在网吧的木质大门、窗户上,用打火机点燃。由于网吧出口已被大火封住,导致正在上网的人员中3人死亡、10人受伤的严重后果。市公安局立即组织侦查人员对案件进行立案侦查,经检察院批准对二犯罪嫌疑人执行了逮捕。在对二人进行讯问时,均未通知其父母等到场。刘林的父亲刘某请求会见刘波,并为其聘请律师,被侦查人员以侦查阶段无权委托辩护人为由予以拒绝。案件侦查终结后移送至市人民检察院审查起诉,市人民检察院于接到案件材料之日起的第5日告知王强和刘波有权委托辩护人。刘波委托其叔叔刘林担任其辩护人,王强表示不委托辩护人。刘林经检察院许可,会见了刘波,查阅了本案的所有诉讼材料;并对有关单位和个人进行了必要的调查取证工作。检察院经审查起诉认为犯罪事实清楚、证据确实充分,依法应当追究犯罪嫌疑人的刑事责任,遂向市中级人民法院提起公诉。在审理过程中,刘林经法院许可又查阅了本案所指控的犯罪事实的材料,会见了被告人刘波,会见时人民法院派员在场。王强仍然不愿委托辩护人,审判人员为其指定承担法律援助义务的律师刘敏担任辩护人,但王强拒绝辩护,法院遂准许其自行辩护。经审判,法院依法判决被告人刘波死刑,剥夺政治权利终身;被告人王强死刑,缓期两年执行。 问题:

