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Sports and games do much good to our health. They can make us strongly and keep us fit. Especially they ...



  The Chinese New Year is the most important holiday for Chinese. The New

Year comes with the first day of the First Moon, between January 21 and

February 19. People get ready for the holiday for fifteen days. Finally, at

midnight it is the first day of the First Moon. People close the shops and the

streets are empty. Everyone locks (锁) the doors and stays at home.

  It is an important time for the family. The younger people bow (鞠躬)to the

older people. The Chinese people call this “ke tou”. This means "to touch the

ground with forehead (前额)". Then the younger people wish the older people a

happy new year. The older people give children presents or money in red

envelopes. The family then go to sleep.

  In the morning, people put on their best clothes. Some people stay at home,

and others go out to visit friends or neighbors. They are very polite and do not

use bad words. It’s the most important day of the year.

1."The Chinese New Year" in the passage means _____.

A. Mid- Autumn Day                  

B. the Spring Festival

C. Christmas Day                        

D. the Dragon (龙) Boat Festival

2. It takes about _____ to get ready for the Chinese New Year.

A. a few days                            

B. twelve days

C. half a month                          

D. three days

3. At midnight you can see _____ people in the streets. Everyone stays at home.

A. lots of                            

B. hundreds of

C. many                              

D. few

4. On the Chinese New Year's Day, what do people usually say to each other when they meet?

A. Good luck!                      

B. Best wishes!

C. Good morning!                

D. A and B



(1)下列食品所富含的主要营养素是_________ 。             


A.骨质疏松  B.坏血病  C.佝偻病  D.贫血   F.大脖子病

(3)在下图A实验通电时,a试管中液体呈碱性、b试管中液体呈酸性,利用此原理设计的图B所示的家用电解水器,可得酸碱性不同的水,其用途见下表C。请回答下列问题: 写出图A所发生反应的化学方程式___________,b试管内产生的气体是______________。表C中用于“浸泡蔬菜”的水中滴加酚酞溶液,显_______________色。

(4)将浑浊的河水用简易净水器进行净化,净化后得到的水属于 ___________(填“纯净物”或“混合物”)。

(5)某河道两旁有甲乙两厂,它们排放的工业废水都澄清透明且共含K+、Ag+、Fe3+、Cl-、OH-、NO3-六种离子。甲厂的废水明显呈碱性,故甲厂废水中含有的三种离子是 _ ___________ _  。乙厂的废水中含有另三种离子,如果加一定量   ______________(选填:活性炭、硫酸亚铁、铁粉),可以回收其中的金属___________ _  _ (填写金属元素符号),另一种设想是将甲厂和乙厂的废水按适当的比例混合,可以使废水中的部分离子转化为沉淀。经过滤后的废水主要含___________ (填化学式),它是一种___________,(填“氮肥”、“钾肥”或“复合肥”),可用来浇灌农田。
