
中国晓辉公司与日本大合公司于2004年5月签订了购买3 500吨钢材的合同,由中国远



中国晓辉公司与日本大合公司于2004年5月签订了购买3 500吨钢材的合同,由中国远洋公司的“东风”号将该批货物从日本神户运至宁波,“海神”号在途中遇小雨,因货舱盖不严使部分货物生锈。下列关于货物责任的选项正确的是__________。







解析:此种货物湿损应由承运人负责,因其货舱盖不严是对船舶适航义务的违反。参见《海商法》第 47条,承运人在船舶开航前和开航当时,应当谨慎处理,使船舶处于适航状态,妥善配备船员、装备船舶和配备供应品,并使货舱、冷舱、冷气舱和其他载货处所适于并能安全收受、载运和保管货物。依此,只有D项为正确答案。







(3)如图所示甲、乙是小华同学做观察水沸腾实验时看到气泡上升情况的示意图,其中   __________是沸腾时的情况。




Education has an important effect on the mind or physical ability of an individual. It is the process by which society passes its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.

Various non-traditional education options are now available and continue to flourish(繁荣). One of the most important uses in education is the use of technology. Teachers are encouraged to use new technological devices in order to strengthen learning among students and meet the needs of various types of learners.

The right to education has been created and recognized by jurisdiction(司法). Education is the most important concern of the government of India. Recently India has gained world recognition because many students from foreign countries come here to gain higher qualifications.

One has to be educated in order to speed up the growth process in order to influence the economy. Education is indeed a powerful weapon to stop the cut- throat competition that man faces at every period of life. The importance of education in India is progressing with time. Although India has been a great foundation of learning for many years, it still needs to improve not just on the quality of education but also on the number of people being educated.

Education is not just for academic success but also to make a person become a better human being and a better performer in life. Education makes the students able enough, so that they can compete nationally and internationally. To make a student a successful survivor in life, the responsibility lies equally with the schools and the parents too. Selecting a good school is as important as choosing a suitable career option for a child. The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth, it is education that gives us all the power and necessities of making a difference in any field.

People who are not educated have few opportunities to do what they want to do. Educated people become more responsible and informed citizens, and have a voice in politics and society. It allows people to be more productive by encouraging them to play responsible roles in terms of contributing to society.

小题1:Nowadays teachers are encouraged to ______.

A.study modern science and technology

B.pass all knowledge to their students

C.use non-traditional devices in class

D.meet the needs of intelligent student first小题2:The author uses the example of Indian education to show that____.

A.Indian education is among the best in the world now

B.Indian is becoming more and more powerful now

C.the right to education should be valued all over the world

D.a lot of students in India are from other countries小题3:The underlined word “dissemination” in Paragraph 5 probably means “______”.




D.question小题4:What do we know about education from the passage?

A.It has nothing to do with society

B.It helps people to achieve what they want

C.It has little effect on people’s physical ability

D.It makes a poor man become rich小题5:What is the passage mainly about?

A.The importance of education

B.The responsibility of education

C.The development of education

D.The purpose of education
