
法洛四联症的病理改变中,不包括()。 A.肺动脉瓣环狭窄 B.肺动脉主干狭窄 C.漏










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参考答案:B解析: 录囚制度始于汉代,是指上级司法机关通过对囚徒的复核审录,对下级司法机关的审判的案件进行监督和检查,以便平反冤案,疏理滞狱的制度。

题型:问答题 论述题

在中国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段,胡 * * 同志所作的十八大报告(以下简称报告)把中国特色社会主义事业总体布局由经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设“四位一体”拓展为包括生态文明建设的“五位一体”。报告提出国土是生态文明建设的空间载体,必须珍惜每一寸国土。要优化国土空间开发格局,提高海洋资源开发能力,发展海洋经济,保护海洋生态环境,坚决维护国家海洋权益,建设海洋强国。请用“探索世界与追求真理”中的有关知识,说明应如何推动海洋经济发展,建设海洋强国。


Even their parents struggle to draw the tiniest hint of emotion or social connection from autistic(患孤独症的) children, so imagine what happens when a stranger sits with the child for hours to get through the standard IQ test. For 10 of the test’s 12 sections, the child must listen and respond to spoken questions. Since for many autistics it is torture to try to engage with someone even on this impersonal level, it’s no wonder so many wind up with IQ scores just above a carrot’s. More precisely, fully three quarters of autistics are classified as having below-normal intelligence, with many deemed mentally retarded.

Researchers have tried a different IQ test, one that requires no social interaction. As they report in the journal Psychological Science, autistic children’s scores came out starkly different than on the oral, interactive IQ test — suggesting a burning intelligence inside these kids that educators are failing to uncover.

For the study, children took two IQ tests. In the more widely used Wechsler, they tried to arrange and complete pictures, do simple arithmetic, demonstrate vocabulary comprehension and answer questions— almost all in response to a stranger’s questions. In the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test, they got brief instructions, then went off on their own to analyze three-by-three arrays of geometric designs, with one missing, and choose the design that belonged in the empty place. The disparity in scores was striking. Overall, the autistics scored around the 30th percentile on the Wechsler, which corresponds to "low average" IQ. But they averaged in the 56th percentile on the Raven’s. not a single autistic child scored in the "high intelligence" range on the Wechsler; on the Raven’s, one third did. Healthy children showed no such disparity.

That presents a puzzle. If many autistics arc more intelligent than an IQ test shows, why haven’t their parents noticed Partly because many parents welcome a low score, which brings their child more special services from schools and public agencies. But another force is at work. "We often think of intelligence as what you can show, such as by speaking fluently," says a psychologist. "Parents as well as professionals might be biased to look at that" rather than dig for the hidden intellectual spark.

The challenge is to coax that spark into the kind of intelligence that manifests itself in practice. That is something autism researchers are far from doing. Many experts dismiss autistics’ exceptional reading, artistic or other abilities as side effects of abnormal brain function. They advise parents to steer their child away from what he excels at and obsesses over, and toward what he struggles with. It makes you wonder how many other children, whose intellectual potential we’re too blind to see, we’ve also given up on.

The author indicates that autism researchers should not focus on ()

A. trying to use IQ test methods which are suitable for autistic children to get reasonable scores

B. asking the parents of autistic children to find abilities such as reading in their children

C. finding ways to teach autistic to communicate and engage with strangers

D. encouraging autistic children to make use of their own intelligence in practice
