
阅读下面的片段,完成练习。 那座山正当顶上,有一块仙石,其石有三丈六尺五寸高,有二




     那座山正当顶上,有一块仙石,其石有三丈六尺五寸高,有二丈四尺围圆。四面更无树木遮阴,左右倒有芝兰相衬。盖自开辟以来,每受天真地秀,日精月华,感之既久,遂有灵通之意。内育仙胞,一日迸裂,产一石卵,似圆球样大。因见风,化作一个石猴。 那猴在山中,却会行走跳跃,食草木,饮涧泉,采山花,觅树果;与狼虫为伴,虎豹为群,獐鹿为友,猕猿为亲;夜宿石崖之下,朝游峰洞之中。 

1.用“         ”画出仙石形状及所处的位置。






5.从这一段看出这是一个                 的小石猴。


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     One morning I wasted nearly an hour watching a tiny ant carry a huge feather.Several times,it __1__
several obstacles(障碍物)in its path.And after a momentary pause it would make the necessary detou
r(绕道). At one point, the ant had to cross a crack about 10 mm wide.After some __2__ thoughts,the
ant laid the feather over the crack,walked across it and picked the feather up on the other side,then
continued on its way.I was __3__ by the cleverness of this ant.It was only a small insect,lacking of
__4__ yet equipped with a brain to reason,explore, discover and overcome. But this ant, like the other
twolegged creatures __5__ on the earth, also shares human failings.
     After some time the ant __6__ reached its destination-a flower bed and a small hole that was the
entrance to its __7__ home.It was there that the ant met its __8__.How could that large feather possibly
__9__ such a small hole? Of course, it couldn't.So the ant, after all this __10__ and using great brightness,
overcoming problems all along the way, just gave up the __11__ and went home.The ant had not thought
the problem through before it began its journey and in the end the feather was nothing more than a burden.
Isn't our  __12__ like that?
     We worry about our families; we worry about the __13__ of money and we worry about all kinds of
things.These are all burdens-the things we pick up along life's path,and drag them around the obstacles
and over the cracks that life will bring, only to __14__ that at the destination they are __15__ and we
can't take them with us.
( )1. A. brought about
( )2. A. brave        
( )3. A. frightened    
( )4. A. size          
( )5. A. working      
( )6. A. probably      
( )7. A. underground  
( )8. A. partner      
( )9. A. fit          
( )10. A. decision    
( )11. A. insect      
( )12. A. study        
( )13. A. waste        
( )14. A. think        
( )15. A. bad          
B. got over  
B. tiring    
B. attracted  
B. height    
B. sleeping  
B. suddenly  
B. lonely    
B. match      
B. fix        
B. pleasure  
B. problem    
B. aim        
B. lack      
B. find      
B. practical  
C. came across
C. magic      
C. annoyed    
C. depth      
C. living      
C. easily      
C. comfortable
C. parent      
C. suit        
C. trouble    
C. hole        
C. dream      
C. worth      
C. wonder      
C. useless    
D. dealt with    
D. short          
D. satisfied      
D. length        
D. walking        
D. finally        
D. big            
D. friend        
D. fill          
D. matter        
D. feather        
D. life          
D. danger        
D. warn          
D. meaningful    