
根据首字母和句意补全句子。 1.— Hello, Liming, have yo




1. — Hello, Liming, have you got an e-mail a_______?

    — Oh, yes. It's longyu@hotmail.com

2. — Could you tell me if there is a f _______ from Beijing to Guangzhou on November 26th? 

    — Just a minute, please. I have to c_______ my computer.

3. — Why were you shouting, Tom? 

    — The line was bad. We couldn't hear each other c_______.

4. — What's the knife made of? 

    — It's made of m_______.

5. — What are you doing, Lucy? 

    — I'm making a card. Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. I'll give Mr Wu my best w_______.

6. — Hi, David! Here's a book. It's written by Bill Gates. Most of our classmates are i_______ in it. 

    — Really? I'm sure I'll like it.

7. Ten hundred makes a t_______.

8. He may f_______ his Chinese exam if he misses so many lessons.

9. — We're going to have a p_______ to the island tomorrow. Are you coming with us? 

    — Great! I'd love to. I think it must be exciting.

10. — Han Mei drew a nice elephant yesterday. 

      — I think she'll be a good p_______ in the future.


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