



甲和乙共同入户抢劫并致人死亡后分头逃跑,后甲因犯盗窃罪被抓获归案。在羁押期间,甲向公安人员供述了自己和乙共同所犯的抢劫罪行,并提供了乙因犯强 * * 罪被关押在另一城市的看守所的有关情况,使乙所犯的抢劫罪受到刑事追究。对于本案,下列哪一选项是正确的( )。






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参考答案:D解析: 这段话主要说的是磁针罗盘的发明为远航创造了条件,开辟了新航线,发现了新大陆,导致了世界市场的出现,刺激了欧洲工业的发展,为资产阶级革命创造了条件。


Part 4

Questions 26-45

·Read the following article and choose the best word for each space.
·For questions 26-45, mark one letter A, B, C or D on the Answer Sheet.

iPhone Left in Hot Car for Three Hours

The normally peaceful suburban town of Winnetka is still reeling following the news Monday (26) a local resident, whose name is being (27) by police pending a full investigation, left an iPhone unattended for more than three hours in a car (28) in the hot sun.
"Responding to calls from (29) . passersby, who observed the iPhone sitting in a vehicle in the parking (30) of the Westfield Shopping Center, police arrived on the (31) at approximately 4 p.m. and immediately intervened to save the device," said Winnetka police chief Douglas Blaine. "Security cameras have shown that the iPhone had been in the car— with the doors (32) and the windows rolled (33) —since 1 p.m. Due to the tragic and highly emotional (34) of this case, we cannot say any (35) at this time."

A. future B. featC. nature D. honor

According to official police records, two officers forcibly (36) into the car at 4:07 p.m. and found the iPhone (37) face down on the dashboard. The iPhone at first showed no (38) of life, but after a tense few seconds, officers were able to wake it and get it to (39) to a series of simple touch commands. Police said that if the iPhone were left in the extreme (40) for any longer, it could have died.
The iPhone was rushed by ambulance to a nearby Apple facility for careful (41) .Miraculously, no damage to its memory, screen, or wireless capabilities was reported.
Upper-middle-class suburbanites from all over the North Shore area have reacted to the near-tragedy with an unprecedented outpouring of (42) . Hundreds of cards and letters have come streaming in, and local talk radio shows have been flooded (43) calls demanding that the iPhone’s (44) be prosecuted. Many have come forward offering to take the iPhone into their custody, and still (45) have donated free downloads, ringtones, and MP3s to the victimized object.
