
Complete the dialogue with proper words



Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.

M-Michael  L-Lin Tao

L: What are you going to do this Sunday?

M: (1) ___________________________________. What about you?

L: I don't know, either. Would you like to do something interesting with me?

M: Sure, what would you like to do?

L: (2) ___________________________________.

M: OK. Where are we going to meet?

L: Let's meet at my uncle's house. My uncle has a boat. He can take us to fish on the lake.

M: (3) ___________________________________?

L: Let's leave at four in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.

M: (4) That's too early. ___________________________________?

L: Well, no problem. What about half past four?

M: (5) _________________________________. See you at half past four on Sunday morning.


1. I have no idea. / Nothing much. / I don't know.

2. I'd like to go fishing. / I am going fishing. / I want to go fishing. / Let's go fishing.

3. When shall we leave? / What time shall we leave? / When are we going to leave?

    / What time are we going to leave?

4. Can we make it later? / Why not make it later? / Why don't you make it later?

    / How about making it later? / What about making it later? / Shall we make it later?

    / Could you please make it later?

5. OK. / All right. / That's great. / That sounds good.

