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小题1: 首联直接写出由听筝而引起无限悲怨之情。颔联写听筝声想象暮春情景,表现的是伤春(或惜别)的悲怨。颈联写筝声好似对影啜泣,远望长叹,表达的是思人的悲怨。尾联直抒胸臆,再次强调伤离别的悲怨。(要求...


2003年4月,甲公司与乙公司协商,由乙公司购买一台甲公司所需的专用设备,提供给甲公司使用,甲公司每年支付30万元租金给乙公司,为期5年。5年后该设备归甲公司。乙公司应甲公司的要求,与丙公司签订了买卖合同,由丙公司根据甲公司的特殊要求定制。丙公司按期将设备运到甲公司后,甲公司认为质量不符合要求,遂要求丙公司修理或重作,丙公司要求乙公司付款,遭到了乙公司的拒绝。经三方多次协商后,丙公司同意按甲公司的要求修理该专用设备,甲公司检验合格后出具了验收合格通知书,乙公司遂向丙公司付款。 2004年6月,甲公司经理王某以该设备为抵押,为其妻弟与张某的合同履行做担保。乙公司知道后,向甲公司提出异议,并追讨甲公司欠付的租金,甲公司称公司没钱,要求将该设备退给乙公司,乙公司不允,称该设备是为甲公司专门定做的,即便收回也无法卖出或租出。 2005年5月,甲公司进入破产清算程序。张某声称该设备是其合同的抵押物,他享有优先清偿权。甲公司认为该设备属于甲公司所有。乙公司则认为该设备归乙公司所有。 要求:根据上述情况,回答下列问题: (1)甲、乙、丙三方签订和履行合同的行为适用何种合同关系的规定 (2)甲公司是否有权直接向丙公司主张合同标的的权利,说明理由。 (3)甲公司向乙公司主张解除合同的权利是否符合法律规定,说明理由。 (4)甲公司经理王某能否以该设备为其妻弟的合同作抵押担保,说明理由。 (5)该设备是否属于破产财产,谁拥有对该设备的所有权,说明理由。


Some people believe that a Robin Hood is at work, others that a wealthy person simply wants to distribute(分发)his or her fortune before dying. But the donator who started sending envelopes with cash to deserving causes, accompanied by an article from the local paper, has made a northern German city believe in fairytales(童话).

The first envelope was sent to a victim support group. It contained €10,000 with a cutting from the Braunschweiger Zeitung about how the group supported a woman who was robbed of her handbag; similar plain white anonymous(匿名)envelopes, each containing €10,000, then arrived at a kindergarten and a church.

The envelopes keep coming, and so far at least €190,000 has been distributed. Last month, one of them was sent to the newspaper’s own office. It came after a story it published about Tom, a 14-year-old boy who was severely disabled in a swimming accident. The receptionist at the Braunschweiger Zeitung opened an anonymous white envelope to find 20 notes of €500 inside, with a copy of the article. The name of the family was underlined.

“I was driving when I heard the news,” Claudia Neumann, the boy’s mother, told Der Spiegel magazine. “I had to park on the side of the road; I was speechless.”

The money will be used to make the entrance to their house wheelchair-accessible and for a course of treatment that their insurance company refused to pay for.

“For someone to act so selflessly, for this to happen in such a society in which everyone thinks of himself, was astonishing,” Mrs. Neumann said. Her family wonder whether the donator is a Robin Hood character, taking from banks to give to the needy.

Henning Noske, the editor of the Braunschweiger Zeitung, said: “Maybe it is an old person who is about to die. We just do not know.” However, he has told his reporters not to look for the city’s hero, for fear that discovery may stop the donations.

小题1:The Braunschweiger Zeitung is name of _____.

A.a church

B.a bank

C.a magazine

D.a newspaper小题2:Which of the following is TURE about the donation to Tom?

A.The donation amounted to €190,000.

B.The donation was sent directly to his house.

C.His mother felt greatly surprised at the donation.

D.All the money will be used for his treatment.小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that      .

A.the donation will continue to come

B.the donator is a rich old man

C.the donation comes from the newspaper

D.the donator will soon be found out小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Money Is Raised by the Newspaper.

B.Unknown Hero Spreads Love in Envelopes.

C.Newspaper Distributes Money to the Needy.

D.Robin Hood Returns to the city.
