
美国一位历史学家说:“有些人逃进了华南山区。他们的领导人之一是毛 * * ,这时无视莫



美国一位历史学家说:“有些人逃进了华南山区。他们的领导人之一是毛 * * ,这时无视莫斯科的第三国际,制定出新的革命策略。”材料中“新的革命策略”是指(  )







题目分析:材料讲述的是大革命失败后,毛 * * 开辟了井冈山革命根据地,而其指导思想就是“工农武装割据”理论,所走道路即井冈山道路——“农村包围为城市,武装夺取 * * ”。故选C。


A German who has been a volunteer teacher in the Guangxi countryside for ten years is a celebrity ( 名人)in China these days .

42-year-old Echart Lowwe was born in Hamburg , Germany . He graduated form the Hamburg Academy of Fine Arts. In the early 1990, Echart Lowwe traveled to China and became greatly interested in the country . In 1999 , he started working as a high school teacher in the city of Hechi , Guangxi , Later he went to a primary school in the remote Banlie Village to work as a volunteer teacher . He is still teaching there now .

His teaching methods are different from Chinese teachers . He never uses textbooks in class or sets exams .He seldom tells students how to do things , but instead encourages his pupils to be independent . He teaches music , nature and painting . To teach his students the spirit of teamwork , he asked them to paint a picture together .

Lowwe loves being with children . Kids love him back . He is often seen surrounded by groups of kids. “I feel he is our loved one .He is close to us ,”one of his students says.

Lowwe said “ I have always had the desire to teach in the countryside. I am doing what I want to do now . If I had to die right now , I would die happily ,” he said .

根据短文内容,判断以下句子的( T )误( F )。

小题1:Echart Lowwe is a volunteer teacher from Germany .

小题2:He used to work as a painter in Hechi .

小题3:He has his own ways of teaching .

小题4:Kids love him because he helps them do exams better .

小题5:Echart Lowwe doesn’t regret what he is doing .
