
Thank you for ______ let me ______on the



Thank you for ______ let me ______on the trip today. [ ]

A. agree to; go

B. agreeing; going

C. agreeing to; go

D. agree; to go


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我们的祖先使用货币的时代是很早的。在原始的交易场上,凡交易双方愿意接受的物品,都可以作为交换的媒介而具有货币的职能。而在所有的实物货币中,贝币的流通时间是最长的,流通的地域也是最广的。 在没有成为货币的远古时代,海贝因人们喜爱而成为装饰品。《说文》:“婴,颈饰也。”这正是挂在妇女们颈上的用贝串成的“项链”。可以说,这是人类最古老的项链。在相当长的古代社会中,妇女一直是原始贸易的主要参加者,而海贝作为她们佩戴的贵重装饰品,经过她们之手成为交换的一般等价物——货币,那应是很自然的事。因此,贝币的产生和最初使用可能要归功于远古的妇女们。 在汉字中,与价值有关的字,大都从贝,如财、货、贸、费、赁、赊、赎、贵、赋、赐等等。由此可见贝币的使用在我国历史悠久。 从出土文物和甲骨文材料中我们知道,我国殷商时代主要的货币就是贝。当时一般是把五个贝串在一起的,两串形成一个标准单位,称为“朋”。甲骨文有“易多女有贝朋”“光取贝二朋”“贝十朋”的等记载。商王将几贝朋送给臣属,便是一件大事,须占卜问祖先看看是否应当送,而收礼者必须铸铜器以示纪念。由此可知贝在当时是很贵重的物品,是财富的代表或结晶。 周人取代商人而统治中原时,仍然使用贝币。在西周的社会经济中,货物交换发展,贝币的流通量日趋庞大。如殷代甲骨文中不过是“二朋”“十朋”的数量,而周代的金文中,“百朋”甚至“万朋”等数字就很常见了。个人的交往动辄即有百朋之数,社会上的交易之大自然可想而知,由于天然贝的来源有限,于是出现了各种仿制贝,即以贝为模本,用其他材料仿制而成。现已出现的有蚌贝、骨贝、石贝、陶贝、铜贝、金贝等等,其中,最有重大意义的是贝与铜的结合而产生的铜贝。因为它是同后代的金属铸币连在一起的。周代的铜贝可以说是世界上最早的铜造货币。而春秋战国时代的楚国把铜贝发展为一种椭圆形的小铜币,中国的钱币学家称为“鬼脸钱”和“蚁鼻钱”,这是中国古代铜钱的滥觞。 春秋时期,经济进一步发达起来,各种金属货币进入流通领域,并开始排挤贝币而取得统治地位。但由于传统观念的影响,贝币仍在流通,也仍然作为贵重物品而随达官贵人、富有阶层进入坟墓做殉葬品。 秦始皇横扫六国,统一天下,采取了法律手段统一全国货币制度,金属货币取代了原来繁多的其他实物货币,贝开始逐步退出流通领域,成为单纯的“器饰宝藏”,从而脱去了“一般等价物”的外衣,返璞归真了。秦始皇的措施,是中国货币史上的一次重大改革,具有划时代的意义。






     My 8yearold son,Kevin,has made friends with some boys in the neighborhood. He has been __1__
with them after school. My wife,and I are __2__ he has other kids to be with and we have __3__ and
encouraged him to play with his friends. We also want Kevin to learn __4__,so we have asked him to tell
us __5_ he's going and to come home at a specified time.
     The __6__ started when Kevin didn't come home on time. On one occasion,I asked Kevin to be back
at 6 pm. By 6:30,I needed to go __7__ him. I found him at a friend's house,and he looked __8__ that he
couldn't continue playing. After we came home,I sat  Kevin down for a talk about the __9__ of  keeping
his word. I told him I was not worried about his arriving a few __10_ late, after a half hour, he told me he
understood and I was __11_.
     The next day,I came home from work at about 6:30 pm and my wife asked me to go and get Kevin
back __12_ she said he should be back home at 6. I walked to his friend's house and a look of __13_
appeared on Kevin's face when he came to the door.
     At __14_,my wife and I spoke to Kevin about why he didn't come home on time again. He said he just wanted to __15_ playing. This was __16_ so we decided to ground(罚不准出门)him for a week. This
__17_ no playing with his friends.
     For the next week,whenever his friends came to ask for Kevin,we let him __18_ to them that he was
grounded. We felt this would help him be responsible for his __19_.
       As a __20_ I believe one of the most important things we can teach our kids is self-responsibility and
that actions have consequences.
( )  1. A. studying  
( )  2. A. glad      
( )  3. A. made      
( )  4. A. amusements
( )  5. A. when      
( )  6. A. changes    
( )  7. A. looking for
( )  8. A. angry      
( )  9. A. quality    
( )10.A. hours      
( )11. A. satisfied  
( )12. A. if        
( )13. A. guilt      
( )14. A. home      
( )15. A. finish    
( )16. A. impossible
( )17. A. meant      
( )18. A. reply      
( )19. A. decisions  
( )20. A. teacher    
B. playing        
B. lucky          
B. allowed        
B. communication  
B. why            
B. conflicts      
B. picking up    
B. nervous        
B. importance    
B. minutes        
B. shocked        
B. unless        
B. disappointment
B. school        
B. keep          
B. impolite      
B. suggested      
B. apologize      
B. words          
B. parent        
C. chatting    
C. trained      
C. honesty      
C. where        
C. worries      
C. waiting for  
C. disappointed
C. stories      
C. days        
C. surprised    
C. because      
C. excitement  
C. work        
C. learn        
C. unacceptable
C. showed      
C. tell        
C. actions      
C. writer      
D. quarreling    
D. sure          
D. forced        
D. responsibility
D. whenever      
D. problems      
D. calling up    
D. ashamed        
D. ways          
D. times          
D. concerned      
D. so            
D. hatred        
D. office        
D. stop          
D. unbelievable  
D. implied        
D. explain        
D. friends        
D. professor      