
图是有关生物细胞生活史的概括.请根据图分析回答问题. (1)假设A、B、C代表








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休直方不务进趋,既为相,天下翕然宜之。万年尉李美玉有罪,帝将放岭南。休曰:“尉小官,犯非大恶。今朝廷有大 * * ,请得先治。金吾大 * * 程伯献恃恩而贪,室宅舆马僭法度,臣请先伯献,后美玉。”帝不许,休固争曰:“罪细且不容,巨猾乃置不问,陛下不出伯献,臣不敢奉诏。”帝不能夺。大率坚正类此。初,嵩以休柔易,故荐之。休临事或折正嵩。嵩不能平。宋璟闻之曰:“不意休能尔,仁者之勇也。”嵩宽博多可,休峭鲠,时政所得失,言之未尝不尽。帝尝猎苑中,或大张乐,稍过差,必视左右曰:“韩休知否”已而疏辄至。尝引鉴,默不乐。左右曰:“自韩休入朝,陛下无一日欢,何自戚戚,不逐去之”帝曰:“吾虽瘠,天下肥矣。且萧嵩每启事,必顺旨,我退而思天下,不安寝。韩休敷陈治道,多讦直,我退而思天下,寝必安。吾用休,社稷计耳。”后以工部尚书罢。迁太子少师,封宜阳县子。卒,年六十八,赠扬州大都督,谥曰文忠。宝应元年,赠太子太师。(《新唐书·列传第五十一》。有删节)
[注] ①厩刍:草料。



彭某为甲公司的工会 * * ,代表职工方与企业进行了集体协商。下列关于彭某劳动权益保障的提法,错误的是()。






Henric Ibsen, author of the play “ A Doll’s House” , in which a pretty, helpless housewife abandons her husband and children to seek a more serious life, would surely have approved. From January 1st, 2008, all public companies in Norway are obliged to ensure that at least 40% of their board directors are women. Most firms have obeyed the law, which was passed in 2003. But about 75 out of the 480 or so companies it affects are still too male for the government’s liking. They will shortly receive a letter informing them that they have until the end of February to act, or face the legal consequences — which could include being dissolved.

Before the law was proposed, about 7% of board members in Norway were female, according to the Centre for Corporate Diversity. The number has since jumped to 36%. That is far higher than the average of 9% for big companies across Europe or America’s 15% for the Fortune 500. Norway’s stock exchange and its main business lobby oppose the law, as do many businessmen.” I am against quotas for women or men as a matter of principle,” says Sverre Munck, head of international operations at a media firm. “ Board members of public companies should be chosen solely on the basis of merit and experience,” he says. Several firms have even given up their public status in order to escape the new law.

Companies have had to recruit about 1,000 women in four years. Many complain that it has been difficult to find experienced candidates. Because of this, some of the best women have collected as many as 25-35 directorships each, and are known in Norwegian business circles as the “ golden skirts” . One reason for the scarcity is that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companies — they occupy around 15% of senior positions. It has been particularly hard for firms in the oil, technology and financial industries to find women with enough experience.

Some people worry that their relative lack of experience may keep women quiet on boards, and that in turn could mean that boards might become less able to hold managers to account. Recent history in Norway, however, suggests that the right women can make p directors. “Women feel more compelled than men to do their homework,” says Ms. Reksten Skaugen, who was voted Norway’s chairman of the year for 2007.

A public company that fails to obey the new law could be forced to()

A. pay a heavy fine

B. close down its business

C. change into a private business

D. sign a document promising to act
