
1920年12月,毛 * * 在致新民学会学员蔡和森的信中说:“罗素在长沙演说,主张共



1920年12月,毛 * * 在致新民学会学员蔡和森的信中说:“罗素在长沙演说,主张 * * 主义,但反对劳农专政,谓宜用教育的方法使有产阶级觉悟,可不至要妨碍自由,兴起战争,革命流血……我对于罗素的主张,有两句评语,就是理论上说得通,事实上做不到。俄国就是个明证,所以我对于中国将来的改造,以为完全适用社会主义的原理与方法。”材料表明当时中 * * 党早期组织成员




D.认识到劳工阶级取得 * * 的必要性



题目分析:材料中毛 * * 的评价主要是针对罗素的,根据“罗素在长沙……但反对劳农专政”和“理论上说得通,事实上做不到”、“我……完全适用社会主义的原理与方法”可以看出毛 * * 所代表的中 * * 党早期组织成员认为建立劳农专政必要的,故选择D。



Two Chinese farmers sang "in the spring" in their small room after drinking in a late August evening in Beijing. A friend put their song on the Internet. And soon they became stars around China.

Wang Xu,44, is from Henan, and Liu Gang, 29, is from Heilongjiang. They areamong the millions of farmers who have gone to the cities to work.

"Although nobody pays attention to the music, I am singing happily, on streets, under bridges or in wild country, with no credit card, no girlfriend or a home with hot water, but only a guitar.” They sing, “It is just like the life we live now.” Wang said, “We are poor farmers, and you know people won’t care about us."

Their song is loved by millions of Chinese, including the people who are also from the countryside. Many people said they cried after listening to the song.

Wang came to Beijing in 2000 and has tried many jobs. Each month after he paid 600yuan for the house and bought food, there was little money left. "I love music, and also want to make more money." Wang said. "I never dreamed of standing on such a big stage.”

Liu came to Beijing in 2002. "I wanted to try my luck in the big city." He said. And now their dreams of music have come true. They are really theluckiest of all the timers inChina.

小题1:Where is Liu Gang from?

小题2: Have their dreams of music come true?

小题3: When was Wang Xu bom?

小题4:Why did Liu Gang come to Beijing in 2002?

小题5:What do you think of the two farmer singers?
