
(10分)2011年是辛亥革命爆发100周年和中 * * 党诞辰90周年的特别之年。



(10分)2011年是辛亥革命爆发100周年和中 * * 党诞辰90周年的特别之年。阅读下列材料:

材料一 凤凰网关于“你认为哪座城市最能代表辛亥革命”的问卷调查统计图


材料二 中 * * 党第一次全国代表大会于1921年7月23日召开,而党的诞辰纪念日是7月1日。为什么两者的时间不一致呢?

把7月1日作为中 * * 党的诞辰纪念日,是毛 * * 同志于1938年5月提出来的。当时,毛 * * 在《论持久战》一文中提出:“今年七月一日,是中 * * 党建立十七周年纪念日”。这是中央领导同志第一次明确提出七一是党的诞生纪念日。

当时,在延安曾经参加过“一大”的党的创始人只有毛 * * 和董必武两人。他们回忆“一大”是七月份召开的,但记不清楚确切的开会日期。因为缺乏档案资料,一时无法查证,所以就把7月1日确定为党的诞生纪念日。


材料三 如何纪念辛亥革命100周年?两岸能否合办活动?带着这些问题,中新社记者分别采访了10位正在此间出席全国政协十一届三次会议的政协委员。众委员无一例外,均赞同国家隆重纪念。有委员指出,辛亥革命100周年是两岸提升政治互信的契机;纪念活动如能上升到国共两党层面,对于推动两岸关系的和平发展意义重大。




(2)据材料二,概括中 * * 党确定7月1日为建党节的参考因素。(2分)在中 * * 党90周岁诞辰来临之际,某中学准备在党的诞生地举办一次纪念活动。你认为他们可能会选择在什么地方?为什么?(2分)



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Today’s lecture is about the mass (1) of the world’s population. There are two major (2) why people are moving to cities. The first reason is (3) . People are moving to the cities because that’s where they can find (4) and earn money. The second reason for the move to cities has to do with (5) of life issues: comfort and (6) . Cities often offer better (7) . And then for many, city life is just more (8) . An interesting consequence of urbanization is that the average (9) of people in the countryside is increasing, while that of the cities is (10) .
Three key (11) can be identified in our cities. First of all, they’re getting bigger. Most cities are bigger now than ever before. Cities are also changing shape. They’re getting (12) , because land is getting more and more expensive. (13) have become a symbol of modern cities.
Cities are also changing shape in other ways. The (14) Model and the (15) Nuclei Model are probably more typical of the cities we know today. They show the urban (16) that’s occurring in contemporary cities.
The third change is that our cities are breaking up into (17) communities, often by (18) group or (19) level. This often means that people stay within their community and do not come into contact with others from different (20) .
