
对下列句中划线词的用法分类正确的一项是( ) ①固知一死生为虚诞②齐彭殇为妄作



对下列句中划线词的用法分类正确的一项是( )

①固知一死生为虚诞     ②齐彭殇为妄作

③老翁手一短柄斧        ④直夜溃围南出

⑤良宵难遣,可棋一局乎 ⑥徐孺子年十九,尝月下戏

A ①②/④⑤/③⑥     B ①②⑤/③④⑥

C ①/②/③⑤/④⑥    D ③⑤/②④/①⑥


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        "Dreams may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream." some scientists say. 

        Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams

are like short films.They are usually in colour. Some dreams are like old films.They come to us over and over

again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find

an answer.

        Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may have been thinking about their work

all day. These thoughts can be carried over into dreams. 

        Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can't remember the dream.

Dreams can disappear quickly from memory.

        Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work

when we dream. This is why we may have a long sleep but we feel tired when we wake up.

1. If Jack slept eight hours last night, there was about              dream in the night. [ ]

A. a two-hour

B. a one-hour

C. a one-quarter

D. an eight-hour

2. Why do some people often dream about their work? [ ]

A. Because they are happy in the daytime.

B. Because they are not interested in their work.

C. Because they may be this thinking about their work all day.

D. Because they have too much work to do.

3. The main idea of the passage is that             . [ ]

A. what a dream is

B. people like to sleep

C. dreams are like films

D. we always remember dreams
