
根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A




A: Hi, Mary. Are you going to visit Beihai Park tomorrow?

B:Yes.We'lls tart at 7:50. 小题1:________________________ ?

A: I'd love to. But do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?

B: 小题2: __________________________________. Look, there isn't any cloud in the sky.

A: I hope it will be fine tomorrow. 小题3:___________________?

B: Not far. It'll take us half an hour. It's only 5 bus stops.

A: You mean we'll go there by bus, is that right?

B: Yes. 小题4:______________________________________.

A: But I'd like to go there by bike. At that time the streets are very busy. Buses can't go faster than bikes.

B: I agree with you. Going by bike can save both time and money.

A: Yes. 小题5:____________________________________ .

B: OK. Goodbye.

A: Bye-bye.


小题1:Would you like to go with us?

小题2:I don't think so.

小题3:How far is Beihai Park from here?

小题4:That's right.

小题5:Let's go by bike.


小题1:联系下文,我乐意去,可知填Would you like to go with us?你愿意跟我们一块去吗?

小题2:联系上文,你认为明天会下雨吗?还有下文,看,天空没有一些云彩,可知填I don't think so.我认为不会(下雨)。

小题3:联系下文,不远,可知填How far is Beihai Park from here?从北海公园到这里有多远?

小题4:联系前句,是的,可知填That's right.是的。

小题5:联系上文,骑自行车既省时间又省钱,可知填Let's go by bike. 让我们骑自行车去吧。

