
请结合下列实验常用装置,回答有关问题。 (1)写出图中标有字母的仪器的名称:a





(2)实验室用氯酸钾和二氧化锰制取氧气,应选用的发生装置是        ,反应的化学方程式是                                     

(3)实验室制取二氧化碳的反应方程式为                                。若要获得干燥的二氧化碳,除发生装置外,还应选用D装置,并在该装置中盛放         (填写试剂名称)。如果用E装置收集该气体,则气体从           端进入(填“b”或“c”)。

(4)实验室常用装置C代替装置B制取气体,该装置的优点是通过开关活塞来控制反应的开始和停止,下列反应适用于该装置的有           (填序号)。

①大理石和稀盐酸    ②过氧化氢溶液与少量二氧化锰粉末      ③锌粒与稀硫酸 


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     Television is good. You'd like to watch it all day and all night. But too much TV is a very bad thing. Scientists found

that kids who watch too much TV may have more trouble learning to read. They can't focus on (专注于) their work.

     Kids learn language skills best by reading, talking and playing with others.If they spend too much time watching TV,

they'll have less time for those things. Watching too much TV is bad for people's health. People don't move much while

watching TV.What's more, they may eat a lot of food while watching.This can make them fat.We call these people"couch potatoes". Fighting on TV is a big problem for kids.Young people are good at following.Scientists have found that those

who watch a lot of fighting shows are more likely(可能的) to fight.

1. Scientists say if kids watch too much TV, they will _____.

A. learn language skills more easily

B. be healthier

C. find it hard to learn to read

D. eat less food

2. Kids learn language skills best by_____.

A. reading

B. talking

C. playing with others

D. all of the above

3. While watching TV, what DON'T people do?

A. Eat a lot of food.

B. Have less time for reading.

C. Hardly move.

D. Focus on their work.

4. Which of the following is true?

A. An American child will watch 12,000 fighting acts on TV a year.

B. It's good for kids to learn from fighting acts on TV.

C. Too much TV is good for people's health.

D. It's easy for kids who watch a lot of fighting shows to fight.

5. "Couch potatoes" are people who watch too much TV and become _____. 

A. thin

B. fit

C. fat

D. strong
