



设S是至少含有两个元素的集合.在S上定义了一个二元运算“*”(即对任意的a,b∈S,对于有序元素对(a,b),在S中有唯一确定的元素a*b与之对应).若对于任意的a,b∈S,有a*( b*a)=b,则对任意的a,b∈S,下列等式中不能成立的是(  )
A.b*( b*b)=bB.[a*( b*a)]*( a*b)=a
C.( a*b)*a=aD.( a*b)*[b*( a*b)]=b


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根据下列案情材料, 按照《法律文书教程》中的要求, 拟写一份第一审民事判决书。2009年10月15日,XX省XX县人民法院立案受理了原告胡X安诉被告胡X平房产继承一案,并依法组成了合议庭,由王X仁担任审判长,李X贵、朱X才担任审判员,2009年10月26日,XX县人民法院公开开庭对此案进行了审理。原告胡X安、被告胡X平以及证人胡X玉等人到庭参加诉讼。经过开庭审理,合议庭查明了以下事实情况:被告胡X平与原告胡X安是兄妹关系。胡X平系胡X安之兄,1960年10月5日出生,XX省XX县人,汉族,住XX县XX乡东沟村X组X号,现在本乡XX工厂当工人。1967年至1973年在红寨村上小学,1973年至1976年在本乡XX中学上初中。初中毕业后在红寨村务农,1983年进本乡XX工厂当工人至今。胡X安1964年11月6日出生,XX省XX县人,汉族,住XX县XX乡西沟村X组X号, 现在本乡XX商店当售货员。1971年至1977年在红寨村上小学, 1977年至1980年在本乡XX中学上初中。初中毕业后在红寨村务农,1984年到本乡XX商店当售货员至今。原、被告由父亲胡X奇、母亲赵X桂抚养成人。被告胡X平和原告胡X安分别于1984年、1986年成家。结婚后,原告胡X安住在西沟村丈夫家,被告胡X平住在东沟村妻子家,均与父母分开生活。父母仍住在红寨村靠种菜收入维持生活,从不接受子女在经济上的资助。1998年,原、被告的父母用多年积蓄下来的钱,将原来住的四间旧式瓦房翻建成四间新瓦房,室内装修也比较讲究,花去X万元。2009年2月,原、被告的母亲病故,办理后事所花款项全部由父亲支付,原、被告均未花钱。2009年6月,原、被告的父亲突发心脏病住院治疗,原、被告轮流到县医院护理,尽了子女孝敬父亲的义务。父亲住院两个多月,住院费、治疗费、医药费共花去X万元,几乎用尽了父亲的全部存款。父亲去世后,原、被告共同负责办理丧事,所花丧葬费由原、被告平均负担。父亲去世不久,被告及其家人突然搬到其父母遗留下来的四间新瓦房居住。原告对被告独占父母遗产的行为提出了批评,并要求与被告共同等额继承父母遗产四间新瓦房,各得两间。为了照顾兄长,父母家中的衣物归被告继承,原告自愿放弃衣物的继承权利。不料遭到了被告的断然拒绝,因此,原告提起了诉讼。原告在诉状中提出,根据我国继承法的规定,男女继承权利平等,自己与被告同为第一顺序继承人,都有权继承父母的遗产。自己与被告对父亲生前死后所尽的义务大体相当,根据权利与义务相一致的原则,继承的权利也应当是平等的。因此要求与被告共同等额继承父母遗产四间新瓦房,各得两间。被告则提出答辩称,在我们乡下向来是儿子继承父母的遗产,出嫁的女子不能继承父母的遗产,这是几千年的老规矩,不能改变。请求法院驳回原告的诉讼请求。XX县人民法院审理后认为, 根据我国继承法的规定, 男女继承权利平等。原、被告系同胞兄妹,同为第一顺序继承人,都有权继承父母的遗产。原、被告对被继承人所尽义务大体相当,根据权利与义务一致的原则,原、被告的继承权利应当是平等的。原告诉讼请求合理合法,起诉的理由能够成立,法院予以支持。被告独占父母遗产的理由显然是错误的,法院不予支持。为此,XX县法院根据《中华人民共和国继承法》第九条、第十条的规定,作出如下判决(判决书签发日期为2009年10月28日):座落在X乡红寨村X组X号的胡X奇、赵X桂遗产四间新瓦房由原告胡X安、被告胡X平各继承两间。诉讼费用XX元,由被告负担,于判决生效之日起X日内交纳。XX县法院同时告知原、被告, 如不服县法院判决, 可以向XX省XX市中级人民法院提出上诉。本案有关证据包括:(l)X乡红寨村村长王X民证明材料一份;(2)X乡红寨村X组组长张X玉证明材料一份;(3)原被告姑母胡X玉(住XX村)证明材料一份。以上三份材料均证明法院认定的事实属实。附:(1)《中华人民共和国继承法》第九条规定:继承权男女平等。(2)《中华人民共和国继承法》第十条规定: 遗产按下列顺序继承: 第一顺序: 配偶、子女、父母。第二顺序:兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母。······


(46) History tells us that in ancient Babylon, the cradle of our civilization, the people tried to build a tower that would reach to heaven. But the tower became the tower of Babel, according to the Old Testament, when the people were suddenly caused to speak different languages. In modern New York City, a new tower, that of the United Nations Building, thrusts its shining mass skyward. (47) But the realization of the UN’s aspirations—and with it the hopes of the peoples of the world—is threatened by our contemporary Babel: about three thousand different languages are spoken throughout the world today, without counting the various dialects that confound communication between peoples of the same land.

In China, for example, hundreds of different dialects are spoken; people of some villages have trouble passing the time of day with the inhabitants of the next town. In the new African state of Ghana, five million people speak fifty different dialects. In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, of which only fourteen are recognized as official. To add to the confusion, as the old established empires are broken up and new states are formed, new official tongues spring up at an increasing rate.

In a world made smaller by jet travel, man is still isolated from many of his neighbors by the Babel barrier of multiplying languages. Communication is blocked daily in scores of ways. Travelers find it difficult to know the peoples of other nations. Scientists are often unable to read and benefit from the work being carried on by men of science in other countries. (48) The aims of international trade, of world accord, of meetings between nations, are blocked at every turn; the work of scholars, technologists, and humanists is handicapped. Even in the shining new tower of the United Nations in New York, speeches and discussions have to be translated and printed in the five official UN language—English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Confusion, delay, suspicion, and hard feelings are the products of the diplomatic Babel.

The chances for world unity are lessened if, in the literal sense of the phrase, we do not speak the same language. (49) We stand in dire need of a common tongue, a language that would cross national barriers, one simple enough to be universally learned by travelers, businessmen, government representatives, scholars, and even by children at school.

Of course, this isn’t a new idea. Just as everyone is against sin, so everyone is for a common language that would further communication between nations. (50) What with one thing and another—our natural state of drift as human beings, our rivalries, resentments, and jealousies as nations—we have up until now failed to take any action. I propose that we stop just talking about it, as Mark Twain said of the weather, and do something about it. We must make the concerted, massive effort it takes to reach agreement on the adoption of a single, common auxiliary tongue.

(49) We stand in dire need of a common tongue, a language that would cross national barriers, one simple enough to be universally learned by travelers, businessmen, government representatives, scholars, and even by children at school.
