



为了解某地区初一年级7000名学生的体重情况,现从中抽测了500名学生的体重,就这个问题来说,下面的说法中正确的是[ ]

A. 7000名学生是总体

B. 每个学生是个体

C. 500名学生是所抽取的一个样本

D. 样本容量是500


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答案:C题目分析:考查代词:句意:美国的英语口语和英国的英语口语只有一点不同。这里需要代词指代The English ,that指代前面的不可数名词或可数名词单数,which引导的是定语从句,但是这句话没有谓语,what...



                                                                The Child Ego State

     The Child ego state is a set of behaviors, thoughts and feelings which are replayed from our own childhood. 

     Perhaps the boss calls us into his or her office, we may immediately get a churning in our stomach and

wonder what we have done wrong. If this were explored we might remember the time the head teacher called

us in to tell us off. Of course, not everything in the Child ego state is negative. We might go into someone's

house and smell a lovely smell and remember our grandmother's house when we were little, and all the same

warm feelings we had at six years of age may come flooding back.

     The Child ego states are constantly being updated. For example, we may meet someone who gives us the

permission we needed as a child, and did not get, to be fun and joyous. We may well use that person in our

imagination when we are stressed to resist our old ways of thinking that we must work longer and longer hours

to keep up with everything. We might ask ourselves "I wonder what X would say now." Then on heating the

new permissions to relax and take some time out, do just that and then return to the work renewed and ready

for the challenge. Afterwards, rather than blaming ourselves for what we did or did not do, what tends to

happen is that we automatically start to give ourselves new permissions and take care of ourselves.

     Alternatively, we might have had an extremely unpleasant experience yesterday which goes into the Child

ego state as an antique memory that stands in the way of our growth Positive experiences will also go into the

Child ego state as antique memories. The positive experiences can then be drawn on to remind us that positive

things do happen.

     The process of analyzing personality in terms of ego states is called structural analysis. It is important to

remember that ego states do not have an existence of their own. They are concepts to enable understanding.

Therefore it is important to say "I want some fun" rather than "My Child wants some fun." We may be in our

Child ego state when we say this, but saying "I" reminds us to take responsibility for our actions.

1. The writer uses two examples in Paragraph 2 in order to _____.

A. prove the Child ego state is negative

B. explain why We become nervous

C. support the idea in Paragraph 1

D. introduce the point of Paragraph 3

2. By asking "I wonder what X would say now", we intend to _____.

A. blame ourselves

B. avoid stress

C. keep up with everything

D. accept challenges

3. According to the passage, the Child ego state _____.

A. exists in one's childhood

B. shows one's wisdom

C. limits one's thoughts

D. influences one's actions

4. The underlined word "this" in the last paragraph refers to _____.

A. "I want some fun"

B. "My Child wants some fun"

C. the Child ego state

D. structural analysis


某研究性学习小组探究NO3- 在不同环境中的氧化性。


②向试管a中加入v mL NaOH溶液,加热,无明显现象;

③向试管b中 加入v mL稀H2SO4,加热,可观察到的现象是_____________。 实验一的目的是__________________。


①已知电流计指针偏转方向是电子移动方向。将铜、铁两极同时插入浓HNO3中,观察到电流计指针指向铜,但迅速反转,指针偏向铁一端,此时铁作____(填“正” 或“负”)极;指针反转的原因是____________________。








