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C (A “白”形容词作动词,显出白色。B“善”,形容词活用为名词,善行。D “耻”,以……为耻,意动用法)


案例2 1995年某月,海尔人力资源开发中心丁主任的办公桌上放着职工汪华为的辞职申请书。汪华为是刚进集团工作不久的大学生。在集团下属的冰箱厂工作时,他表现突出,提出了一些创造性的工作意见,被评为"揭榜明星"。领导看到了他的发展潜力,于是集团将其提升为电冰箱总厂财务处干部。这既是对其已有成绩的肯定,也为其进一步磨炼提供了一个更广阔的舞台。汪华为作为年轻的大学生,在海尔集团有着很好的发展前途,为何要中途辞职丁主任大惑不解。经了解,汪华为接受了另一家用人单位的月工资高出上千元的承诺,他正准备跳槽。仅仅是因为更好的物质待遇吗事情恐怕并非如此简单。虽然汪华为在海尔的努力工作得到了及时肯定,上级赋予他更大的权力和责任,但他仍认为一流大学的文凭应是一张王牌和优势至上的通行证,理所当然,他可以进厂就担任要职,驾驭别人而非别人驾驭他。而海尔提出的"赛马不相马"的用人机制更注重实际能力和工作努力后的市场效果,不是非常注重文凭和学历。人人都有平等竞争的机会,"能者上,庸者下"。另一面,岗位轮流制更是让人觉得企业中的"仕途漫漫"。作为刚步入社会的大学生,汪华为颇有些心理不平衡。另外,海尔有严格的内部管理,员工不准在厂内或上班时间吸烟,违反者得惩;员工不准在上班时间看报纸,包括《海尔报》;匆忙之间去接电话,忘了将椅子归回原位,也要受到批评,因为公司有一条"离开时桌椅归回原位"的规定:《海尔报》开辟了"工作研究"专门栏,工作稍一疏忽就可能在上面亮相;每月一次的干部例会,当众批评或表扬,没有业绩也没犯错误的平庸之辈也被归入批评之列;能上能下的用人机制更让人感到无所不在的压力。当另一家用人单位口头承诺重用他时,他便递上了辞职申请书。刚上任的丁主任认为这件事非常重大,因为任何事情都能以小见大。不能"一叶障目",而忽略了海尔人力开发中或许比较重大的隐患,或许这也是一个更好地完善现有的人力开发思路的一个契机。海尔的用人理念有独特性。不赞同"用人不疑,疑人不用"的观点,认为那是导致干部放纵自己的理论温床。强调"人人是人才,赛马不相马",即为海尔人提供公平竞争的机会和环境,尽量避免"伯乐"相马过程中的主管局限性和片面性。海尔总裁张瑞敏认为,企业领导的主要责任不是去发现人才,而是去建立一个可以出人才的机制,并维持这个机制健康持久的运行。这种人才机制应该给每个人相同的竞争机会,把静态变为动态,把相马变为赛马,充分挖掘每个人的潜质;并且每个层次的人才都接受监督,压力与动力并存,方能适应市场的需要。丁主任望着办公大楼的外面,今年新招进的一批大学生正在参加上岗前的军训,与草地浑然一色的橄榄绿让人真正感受到了这些年轻人的活力和朝气。究竟一个企业应如何为刚走出校门的大学生提供一个施展才华的空间企业如何才能争得来人并留得住人才并保持合理的人员流动性丁主任很想找汪华为谈谈,或者找这群刚加入集团的大学生聊聊,充分了解他们的想法。丁主任不禁反反复复地思索起海尔人力开发的各项政策和思路来。请根据案例2提供的情况,回答以下问题:

下面哪些做法是违反海尔的人力资源开发原则的 ()






Many small cultural groups live in places far away from modern cities. Some of these tribes have never had any communication outside of their small geographical areas. When they do contact the outside world, their lives usually change. Learning how to change without losing the best of their own cultures is a problem for them. How can primitive cultures learn to live in a technological world How can they do this without becoming lost
One native tribe in New Guinea has a difficult situation. The people of the tribe are being pulled in two ways. First of all, copper, a bright orange-colored metal, has been discovered under the land where they have lived for centuries. Developers want to take the copper out of the ground, to mine it. The tribe needs the money that a copper mine would bring. The problem is that the copper is directly under the most important buildings of their society. These buildings are a necessary part of their religion. How can the copper be mined without changing the group’s religion
The answer to this question has not yet been found. However, a group of people is trying to help the tribe to learn to communicate with the rest of the world. Cultural Survival, Inc. is the name of the group. The people are anthropologists, scientists who study cultures. They want to help small, separate societies live successfully within the larger society. Cultural Survival, Inc. wants to help these groups keep the idea of who they are. It wants to teach them how to live in the modern world.
There is another organization like this in London. It is called Survival International. One in Copenhagen is called the International Workshop for Indigenous Affairs. These two groups have joined with Cultural Survival, Inc., to help people become used to modern culture.
These organizations work with another kind of problem, too. Sometimes a central government does not consider the needs of local people. Often the rich people of a country will get more from a new project than the working people. The poorer people sometimes suffer even more because of these projects. One thoughtless government leader moved the people out of a very large area. He wanted to set up a special vegetable business. He wanted something to sell to earn money from other countries. About 50,000 people were forced off their native land. These people suffered a great loss because they had to leave their homes. Cultural Survival, Inc. helped them.
Cultural Survival, Inc. and its sister organizations also give advice about tourism. The tourism business can cause problems. Many small societies need to earn money, but a large group of visitors can hurt their culture. The Sherpas of Nepal are a good example. The beauty of the Himalayan Mountains brings many mountain climbers from all over the world. However, the tourists leave tin cans and other garbage. What the tourists leave behind in this beautiful area is making a garbage dump. The mountain climbers are also cutting down trees for their fires. This area has few trees, and the Sherpas need the wood for their uses. The Sherpas, it is clear, could use the help of Cultural Survival, Incorporated.

Para. 2 shows that

A.the economy of the native tribe develops rapidly.

B.the tribe is good at mining copper.

C.there is a problem that holds the tribe back from developing.

D.copper is a necessary part of the tribe’s building.
