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第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


I knew something was wrong when I woke up on April 7th, 2008. My morn was cooking eggs. She never cooked eggs on a school morning. I dragged myself out of bed to see what terrible thing had happened. "Nothing's wrong; I just feel like cooking," was the lie I was told.

I got on the school bus just in time to realize that Melissa wasn't there. When I got to school and found out that Melissa still wasn't there, I pretended to be sick so I could go home and call her. When I called, I was surprised at how weak her voice sounded. Toward the end of the conversation, she went into a series of coughing fits and hung up the phone. Later that night I got the call that changed my life forever. Melissa had terminal (晚期的) cancer and was given a year to live.

Melissa started chemotherapy (化疗) and soon lost her hair. Lots of kids made fun of her, but I stuck by her. Melissa's cancer deteriorated. The doctors said she could go anytime. She was then given one wish. Her wish was to go to the park with me. The doctors wouldn't let us go alone, so her mother agreed to stay in her car down the street.

On April 3rd, 2009, we set off for the park. We went on the swings first and I gently pushed her. After a few minutes, she said with great difficulty, "You walked in when the rest of the world walked out... You're my best friend and I love you." "I know," I said as I hugged her. Her breathing slowed until it faded, and she was gone.

I attended the funeral against my will. As I said goodbye to my dear friend for the final time, I repeated those words she had said to me, "I love you." As I said those words, I knew that she felt the same way up in heaven. She would be looking down on me somehow knowing that would help me go on. Now I realize that a real friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

41.In the first paragraph, the author mentioned that      .

A.he liked eating eggs very much

B.his mother often told lies to him

C.he found it hard to get up early every morning

D.it was unusual for his mother to cook eggs that morning

42.Melissa didn't go to school that day because she      .

A.pretended to be sick

B.was terribly ill

C.went to the park with her mother

D.wouldn't go to school with her hair gone

43.What do we know about the author from the passage?

A.He lived next door to Melissa.

B.He missed the school bus that morning.

C.He asked for sick leave that day.

D.He was absent-minded in class without Melissa that day.

44.The author writes the passage mainly to tell us      .

A.what a real friend means

B.how one of his dear friends died

C.how a good friendship is developed

D.how hard it is to say goodbye to a dear friend


今年3月29 日,中国女子冰壶队在韩国江陵举行的2009世界女子冰壶锦标赛决赛中,战胜瑞典队夺得冠军,下图是比赛时的一个画面,冰壶足以二人为单位在冰上进行的一种投掷性竞赛项目。当投掷手将冰壶投出后,冰壶向前运动时,同时有两名队员手持毛刷,在冰壶运行的前方用力左右擦刷冰面,使冰壶溜进营垒或接近营垒。请你根据上述描述,提出与你学过的物理知识有关系的两个问题并做出解答。


