
小题1:Look at the car! It's old, broken an



小题1:Look at the car! It's old, broken and out of date. But it could travel________ when it was just bought.

小题2:We have been waiting for her for about two hours. To our disappointment, she has not _________ yet.

小题3:Those adventurers got lost in the desert and they were so thirsty that they went everywhere __________ water.

小题4:America and Iraq couldn't agree with each other; therefore, a war __________ between them.

小题5:Mike broke his legs in the football match last month, so he _____________ going upstairs.

小题6:_________ the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder, for which he got into trouble.

小题7:When we were driving, the car ________ just north of Paris.

小题8:This kind of writing style ________ Shakespeare's time.

小题9:Now some doctors are trying to __________ Chinese traditional medicine _________ Western medicine.

小题10:The tourist stood there with his attention ______________ the beautiful scenery.


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参考答案:A,B,C,D解析:[知识点] 狂犬病的流行病学
