
下列属于我国传统的发酵产品的是 [ ] A.醋 B.酱油 C.腐乳 D.以上都是



下列属于我国传统的发酵产品的是 [ ]






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女招待拿过菜单来,只是匆匆一瞥,我的手就忍不住抖了起来,天哪!所有的菜价都在三十元以上,虽说是有备而来,可这价目也太高了,远远超出了一个学生的承受力。口袋里只有不到二百块,是我下半个月的伙食费,之所以都带来,只是想多预备点儿,以免在小慕跟前失了面子。此时菜单就在我手上,我低头仔细地看,心思却全不在花团锦簇的菜名上,我匆忙计算的只是价格。店里有冷气,可我依然满面通红,汗一个劲儿地往下流。点什么呢 胡乱地点了几个菜——反正都没吃过,有什么区别呢 至于酒,是小慕的主意。“喝干红吧,”小慕说,“葡萄酒美容。”小慕说了什么,我全没听清,只一心一意地在后悔,后悔进了一品阁,也后悔没有多借些钱来。
老板娘就是这个时候过来的,带着温柔的笑容。她对我们说,因为干红的酒劲是很厉害的,学生不能喝太多,两杯就够了;还有菜,也不用那么浪费,来两份小牛排就好了。她们店里的牛排可是很有名的,并且今天是她的生日,每桌顾客都能得到一份免费赠送的小菜。最后老板娘微微侧着头,笑吟吟地问我们:“这样可以吗 ”


The volcano in the cornfield grew until it was bigger than the cornfield! (41)______ People called the volcano the Little Monster because it grew so fast. Scientists came from all over the world to study it and watch it grow. It is not often that people get a chance to watch a volcano from the very beginning.

Most of the volcanoes have been here for a very long time. Some have been here so long that now they are cold. They are called dead volcanoes. They have stopped throwing out fire and melted rock and smoke. It is safe to walk on them. Farms are plowed on the quiet slopes, and people have built houses there.

Some volcanoes have stopped throwing out hot rock, but they still smoke a little now and then. They are "sleeping" volcanoes. Sometime they may "wake up".


Today volcanoes are not so dangerous for people as they were a long time ago. Now we know more about why volcanoes do what they do, and we can usually tell when they are going to do it. (43)______.

People used to think dragons under the earth caused volcanoes. They said the smoke that puffed above the ground was the dragon’s breath. They said the earthquakes were caused by the dragon’s moving around down in the earth. Now we know that this is not true.

Another thing we know about volcanoes is that they don’t happen just anywhere. (44)______. Scientists know where these places are, and maps have been made to let everybody know.

There are different kinds of volcanoes. Some explode so violently that the rock goes high into the air and falls miles away. A volcano may shoot out ashes so high that they float all the way around the world. They have made the sunsets green and the snow purple.


One very tall volcano stays fiery red at the top all the time. It is lucky that the volcano is near the ocean. Sailors can use it for a lighthouse.

[A] Other volcanoes are more gentle. The hot lava rises in their cones and overflows, rolling slowly down the mountainside, where it becomes cool and hard.

[B] Black smoke puffed out. Hot ashes fell like black snowflakes. Hot rock and fire and lava shot out.

[C] Smoke puffed up, and rock started popping up out of a crack that opened in the ground.

[D] A volcano named Vesuvius slept for a thousand years. But it woke up and threw out so much hot melted rock that it buried the buildings of two cities.

[E] Before a sleeping volcano wakes up, it usually makes a noise like faraway thunder, and the ground shakes in small earthquakes. People are warned and have time to get away safely.

[F] A volcano starts from a hole in the ground from which hot rock and smoke and steam come out. Far, far under the ground it is so hot that rock melts. This hot melted rock, or lava, is some-times pushed out of the earth through a hole or a crack in the ground. The steam inside the earth pushes the rock out.

[G] There are certain places under the earth where the rock is broken in a way that lets the steam and hot rock escape to the outside more easily.

