
在一般管路上,常用截止阀的主要性能包括( )。 A.流体阻力小 B.可以用来调节流



在一般管路上,常用截止阀的主要性能包括( )。






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甲:图9为兴趣小组根据汪盼玲《中国婚姻史》中统计的历代节妇烈女人数绘制的柱状图。 乙:摘编自董天野等根据巴金小说《家》绘制的同名连环漫画中的一组画面。画面中的故事发生在1919年前后。主人公是封建大家庭高府的三公子觉慧和丫鬟鸣凤。

丙:摘编自1919年末长沙《大公报》的一则报道。 李欣淑幼年时,父为其订了亲,未婚夫不幸去世,父母准备叫她守“望门寡”。李欣淑在女校念过书,不满这种包办婚姻,因而反抗出走,到北京工读,她说:“我于今决计尊重我个人的人格,积极的和环境奋斗,向光明的人生大路前进。” 结论: ①20世纪初的中国社会新旧交炽,保守和进步共存。 ②社会进步是女性解放的重要前提。


     Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends. Ian and Betty. It was a
dark,   1   night, and they did not know the road very well. They   2   through Cookstown, until they found 
  3   they thought was the road to Dorling,   4   Ian and Betty livd   5   it soon became clear that they were
not on the road to   6   at all.The road that they were on was getting   7  , and there were not other   8   on
it. The wind was blowing   9   with every minute that passed.
     They came to a small  10 . They drove past a church, and then two houses without lights on. There was
nobody  11  to tell them where they were, or where the  12  went. Just then Ben saw a telephone-box fifty
metres or so further on. While he walked  13  along the road to see if there was a name outside the church,
Susan  14  Ian and Betty to tell that they were still  15 .
     Betty was just saying that the  16  was already rather dry, when Ben came back to the  17 , his head down 
 18  the wind. He said that there was a tree  19  across the road, and that the telephone lines were down. Susan
heard  20  more from Betty about the dinner.
( )1. A. cloudy       
( )2. A. rode         
( )3. A. what         
( )4. A. there        
( )5. A. And          
( )6. A. Cookstown    
( )7. A. narrower     
( )8. A. bikes        
( )9. A. hard         
( )10. A. house       
( )11. A. through     
( )12. A. road        
( )13. A. forward     
( )14. A. wrote       
( )15. A. at home     
( )16. A. dinner      
( )17. A. telephone-box
( )18. A.on           
( )19. A.standing     
( )20. A.something    
B. rainy         
B. drove         
B. that          
B. which         
B. But           
B. their own home 
B. wider         
B. cars          
B. heavily       
B. village       
B. about         
B. street        
B. ahead         
B. telephoned    
B. on their way  
B. weather       
B. church        
B. to            
B. lying         
B. a little      
C. windy        
C. walked       
C. which        
C. where        
C. So           
C. Dorling      
C. longer       
C. trains       
C. harder       
C. church       
C. across       
C. river        
C. around       
C. visited      
C. in Cookstown  
C. coat         
C. houses       
C. against      
C. laying       
C. much         
D. snowy         
D. ran           
D. when          
D. that          
D. Or            
D. a village     
D. farther       
D. carts         
D. more heavily  
D. telephone box          
D. underneath    
D. railway       
D. back          
D. explained     
D. in the church 
D. water         
D. village       
D. into          
D. growing       
D. nothing       