

题型:多项选择题 案例分析题


孕妇,28岁,结婚5年未育。因7月25日晚上22:00患者神志不清,120到场时心电图一直线,立即予心肺复苏,心跳复苏成功,22:30即转入市级医院急诊室,查体:血压0/0mmHg,神志丧失,大动脉搏微弱,呼吸停止,心率50次/分,心律不齐,腹平,肝脾触及不满意,移动性浊音阳性,四肢肌力检查不配合,病理征未引出。予心电监护见交界性节律,心室率50次/分。追问病史,患者停经3月余,末次月经4月初,晕厥那天早晨因突然下腹疼痛为持续性,伴恶心呕吐一次,呕吐物为胃内容物,解稀便一次,无 * * 出血,患者在家休息,未予特殊处理,到下午15时许腹痛加剧,上厕所跌到,大汗淋漓,未晕厥,家属未重视。




C.少量 * * 流血





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      Benjamin Franklin, Walter Isaacson tells us at the beginning of his long (but never boring)new

biography(传记), "is the founding father who winks at us."By that, Isaacson explains, he means

Franklin is the most human-and most modern-of the men who shaped the American republic.We

admire Washington, Jefferson and Adams, but they remain creatures of the 18th century.The man

we encounter in"Benjamin Franklin"-funny, pragmatic and selfaware-seems like one of us, or at least

someone we'd like to be.

     Unlike Washington's cherry tree, Franklin's kite was real.His experiments with electricity made

him one of the great scientists of his day.He was a middleclass businessman whose success as a printer

and a journalist allowed him to retire at 42-and he devoted the rest of his life to his country.He was

diplomat who persuaded the French to back the American Revolution and the author of the first great

American autobiography.He was an excellent swimmer.There was almost nothing he couldn't do well,

except write poetry.But what truly distinguished Franklin was his talent of being great and human at the

same time.He owned slaves as a younger man, but in his last years became an abolitionist(废奴主义者). When he fathered an illegitimate(私生的) son, he acknowledged his fatherhood and took the

responsibility of raising the boy.

     He seems strange today in the joy he took in compiling and creating all  those selfimprovement

maxims he published in Poor Richard's Almanac(年鉴)- "early to bed, early to rise"and so on.

Generations of lazy boys could have been happier without that.But he was no hypocrite.Isaacson tells

us Franklin practiced what he preached, and often laughed at himself while he did so.

    By a happy accident, this is the second excellent biography of Franklin to appear in two years, after

Edmund S. Morgan's inspiring"Benjamin Franklin."

1. What type of literature does this passage belong to?

A. Research paper.    

B. Book review.

C. Biography. 

D. Short story.

2. The underlined word"maxims"in Paragraph 3 probably means________.

A. proverbs

B. standards

C. requests  

D. orders

3. With the fact that Franklin shouldered the responsibilities of raising his illegitimate son, the

     author wants to prove that________.

A. Franklin had made a big fortune in his business before he got devoted to polities

B. Franklin might be the only parent to support the child at that time

C. Franklin was a great man who seems human to us

D. Franklin was improving his character when he got on in ages

4. The underlined word"himself"in Paragraph 3 refers to________.

A. Richard's Almanac  

B. Walter isaacson

C. anyone of the readers.  

D. Benjamin Franklin

5. In which part of a magazine can we most probably find this article?

A. Society and the Arts.  

B. World Affairs.

C. Business Report.  

D. Advertisement.
