
下列口号与革命运动对应不正确的是 A.1688年的光荣革命:限制王权,议会至上






C.1789年法国大革命:民主、共和、 * *



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2004年2月10日中午,夏某酒后从亲戚家驾车回家,车速很快。车到县法院门口时,突然从巷子里冲出一辆自行车。两车相撞,骑自行车的江某(14岁,中学生)当即被撞出 10米多远,左手、右脚骨折,头上血流不止。虽经法院出来的几名法警将其送到医院抢救,但最终因颅骨裂而死亡。后此案被县公安机关立案侦查,县检察院提起公诉。在开庭审理时出现了以下情况:

夏某要求公诉人回避。其理由是公诉人在讯问日寸先人为主,态度严厉,且对其的指控失实。审判长认为夏某申请回避的理由不能成立,遂当庭予以驳回。 问题:审判长的做法符合法律规定吗


With 2005 fast becoming "the year of the natural disaster", it is time to reflect on how engineering, science and technology can play their fullest part in protecting the planet.
Long before the Asian tsunami struck, the science community predicted the particular region of Indonesia to be hit by the next big earthquake; and the engineering and technology community had developed early warning systems costing only $ 30 million. But no government in the region heeded the warnings and no early warning systems were in place. We ignored technology of the advance warnings at our peril of 100,000 victims of the tsunami.
Governments are not alone in ignoring the views of their scientific community; the public too has its doubts. Part of the reason for this lack of confidence must be down to the failure to engage them in a meaningful way about their concerns. Trust is a two-way street. Instead of claiming that everything would be rosy in the scientific garden "if only the public understood", we must work hard to explore concerns, discover fears and delve deep into the depths of public perceptions. We are getting there. There is a growing realization that effective public engagement is of far greater value than banging the "public understanding" drum.
There are still doubters, of course, and sadly their cause is helped whenever they come across opinions presented as fact. All of us must guard against this debilitating practice. In time, effective public engagement should help deliver improved trust as well as better policy, which -- in turn -- might make it more difficult for scientists’ warnings to be ignored.
Today’s technology community is a triumph of international collaboration where engineers and scientists combine to develop solutions to our biggest problems. Of course, technology cannot stop natural disasters but it can mitigate their impact. We are able to identify the birds affected by avian flu. We can chart their migration patterns around the world. We have the means to pursue vaccines. And we have the communication channels to keep people informed.
Extolling the virtues of technology is not to pretend technology is perfect in every regard. Far from it. The profligate and unsustainable use of technology in energy and transport has contributed to climate change. But that doesn’t mean technology has failed us. We must never lose sight of the fact that technology itself will deliver the solutions to the very problems it can create. If we do, technology will remain sidelined and undervalued, and this major social failure will progressively disadvantage us all.
Our vision is of a society embracing technology as a weapon of both progress and defense. Since the beginning of civilization, we have relied on it and enjoyed its benefits -- and most new technologies have had hugely beneficial effects for most people. But now, in an age when the death toll from natural disasters is increasing year on year, with more people living in danger zones, it is ever more urgent that we rely on science and technology to warn us of the dangers to come and provide the solutions we need.

What we can infer from Paragraph 2 is that ______.

A.scientists are doing well in predicting earthquakes

B.engineers and technologists have developed early warning systems

C.ignoring technology brought people a big loss of lives

D.science, engineering and technology should be embedded within political decision-making systems
