



Laurance: What kind of a car do you have?
Soony: An old one.
Laurance: I know it’s old, but    小题1:  
Soony: It’s a Chevrolet. Why do you ask? You are going into the car business?
Laurance: Nothing like that. My cousin is going to take a job overseas and he can’t take his car with him, so he’s going to sell it cheap.   小题2:  
Soony: Well, I have been thinking about getting a newer car. I can’t afford a brand new one.
Laurance:    小题3: 
Soony: Is it a four-door or a two-door?
Laurance: It’s a coupe (双门小汽车) with a vinyl roof.
Soony:   小题4:  
Laurance: Yes, and it also has power steering, power brakes, and air conditioning.
Soony: I guess I might take a look at it. How much is he asking?
Laurance:   小题5:  
Soony: Okay. Set it up for me to see it, if you can.
A. what make is it?
B. I can show you a second-hand car.
C. Would you like to look at my cousin’s car?
D. Does it have automatic transmission?
E. Would you like to introduce your cousin to me?
F. It’s practically new.
G. I don’t know for sure, but he’ll make you a good deal.


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