
窦性P波的方向是()。 A.除aVR导联倒置外,其余导联均应直立 B.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF

题型:单项选择题 A型题









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Before India gained independence (独立), a few young men from the villages wanted to free India from the foreign rule; they wanted the British to quit India. They needed material wealth to  36  the British out of India, so they started collecting  37  in the Indian villages.

One day, they got encouraged to collect  38   things as well. They went from door to door carrying a huge bag, which gradually was  39  with money and gifts. As they went, a one-legged beggar kept  40  them. The young men did not mind.

At the  41  of the day, they entered a house to see  42  they had collected. The beggar also wanted to enter, but since he was not a member of the group, they did not  43  him in. The beggar said to them: “I walked such a  44  distance right behind you. You want freedom; I also want freedom. India is not only your motherland. It is also my motherland.”

45 , the young men got mad and told the beggar to go away. Then one of the men felt  46  for him, so they decided to  47  him the things they had collected.  48  the beggar was looking at the gifts in their bag, most of them were showing no  49  for him. Then suddenly the beggar opened up the bag that he had been carrying. It  50  a few coins and some rice. He threw all the contents into their bag at once.

At the  51  of this, immediately all the members of the revolutionary group started dropping  52  of gratitude (感激), because he had  53  all that he had to their cause. On that day, they had gone to visit so many rich families, who had given them next to  54 ; but this beggar had given them everything that he had! They were deeply  55  by the beggar’s contribution.

36. A. drive                         B. grow                       C. help                        D. pick

37. A. food                          B. money                    C. papers                   D. seeds

38. A. military                    B. material                C. mysterious           D. cultural

39. A. tired                          B. satisfied                C. filled                       D. covered

40. A. following                  B. cheating                C. calling                    D. beating

41. A. beginning                B. end                         C. front                       D. middle

42. A. how                           B. what                       C. where                    D. when

43. A. stop                          B. drop                        C. allow                      D. promise

44. A. short                         B. near                        C. long                        D. little

45. A. At last                      B. At first             C. At a time               D. In that case

46. A. necessary                B. patient                            C. thankful                 D. sorry

47. A. trouble                     B. serve                      C. show                      D. excite

48. A. Since                         B. While                      C. If                              D. Although

49. A. interest                    B. courage                 C. respect                  D. disappointment

50. A. included                   B. consisted              C. held                        D. contained

51. A. thought                    B. sight                       C. sound                     D. moment

52. A. laughter                            B. difference             C. truth                       D. tears

53. A. taken                        B. given                      C. wasted                            D. lost

54. A. something               B. nothing                  C. everything            D. anything

55. A. moved                      B. removed                C. excited                   D. surprised
