
单词分类。 A. frustratingB. do more exercises




A. frustrating      B. do more exercises    C. listening to tapes     D. excited    

E. boring             F. asking questions       G. bored                       H. watch movies

I. frustrated       J. getting an English tutor

1. The game is so _____ that I can't stand it.

2. After having a Chinese class, I felt _____.

3. I'd like to learn English by _____.

4. Do you think learning by surfing the Internet is good or bad? Why?



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     Bill comes from Canada. He works in a small shop. It is near a factory and a school. Every day a

lot of workers and students go there to buy things.

     In the morning, Bill gets up early and has his breakfast. He goes to work by bike.

     He gets to the shop at about seven twenty. The shop opens at seven thirty. It sells many things like

food and drinks. It also sells school things. There are often many people in the shop from morning to


     Bill has lunch in the shop. At seven in the evening, the boss closes the shop. He goes back home

for dinner.

1.Where does Bill work?

A. In a big shop.

B. In a small shop.  

C. In a factory.

D. In a school.

2.Who buy things in the shop every day?

A. Some housewives.

B. Some students.  

C. A lot of workers.

D. A lot of workers and students

3.What time does Bill get to the shop?

A. Seven o'clock.

B. Half past seven.  

C. Seven twenty.

D. Twenty to seven.

4.What does the shop sell?

A. Radios.

B. Computers.  

C. It sells many things.

D. Shoes.

5.Where does Bill have lunch?

A. In the shop.

B. At home.  

C. At school.

D. In the hotel.
