



(10分)驾驶证考试中的路考,在即将结束时要进行目标停车,考官会在离停车点不远的地方发出指令,要求将车停在指定的标志杆附近,终点附近的道路是平直的,依次有编号为A、B、C、D、E的五根标志杆,相邻杆之间的距离△L=16.0m。一次路考中,学员甲驾驶汽车,学员乙坐在后排观察并记录时间,学员乙与车前端面的距离为△s=2.0m。假设在考官发出目标停车的指令前,汽车是匀速运动的,当学员乙经过O点考官发出指令:“在D标志杆目标停车”,发出指令后,学员乙立即开始计时,学员甲需要经历 △t=0.5s的反应时间才开始刹车,开始刹车后汽车做匀减速直线运动,直到停止。学员乙记录下自己经过B、C杆时的时刻tB=5.50s,tC=7.50s。已知O、A间的距离LOA=69m。求:




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  I have been a reporter for fifteen years. I chose this job so that I could travel the world, but the job

has taught me many unforgettable lessons. My work is sometimes boring but for most of the time it is

amazing and inspiring.    

  In India, I visited a city. There were many homeless children. Some were young and lived in the

street. But then a lady called Rosa opened a home for them. In one whole year, she was looking after two hundred kids , feeding them , teaching them and giving them hope.    

  Another time, I was in Japan and met a young girl with a serious illness. After seven operations, she

had to have thirteen more in hospital. However, when I met her,she was still smiling.     

  Here in China, after the terrible Wenchuan Earthquake, I found a three-year-old boy named Lang

Zheng. He had been in the ruins(废墟)for more than ten hours before he was found by the soldiers.

Though weak and injured, the brave boy lifted his right hand above his head with difficulty and saluted the

soldiers to show his thanks , which became the most moving moment in the disaster(灾难).

  Thanks to the experience as a reporter, I myself am getting braver and stronger. When I face

challenges in my life, I always remember the courage(勇气) of these three people.

1. The writer chose the job of being a reporter because he wanted to ___________.          

A. improve his working skills          

B. experience difficulties          

C. travel the world

D. offer help to others

2. From the passage, we learn that Rosa was ___________.         

A. kind and patient          

B. creative and proud         

C. lovely and lucky

D. honest and brave

3. What does the underlined word “saluted” in the passage mean in Chinese?

A. 向……告别

B. 向……学习

C. 向……求救

D. 向……致敬
