
癫证痰瘀内阻,风火触动可转化为 () A.痴呆 B.郁证 C.狂证 D.

题型:单项选择题 A型题


癫证痰瘀内阻,风火触动可转化为 ()







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     In the fifteenth century in Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children. They were so poor that
two children, who wanted to pursue their talent for __1__, knew their father would never be __2__
able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.
     So they tossed (掷) a coin. Albrecht Durer, the younger, __3__ the toss and went off to
Nuremberg. Albert went down into the dangerous __4__ and, for the next four years, financed his
brother, who did so well that his works were even better than those of most of his __5__. By the time
he graduated, he was beginning to earn __6__ fees by drawing for wealthy people.
     When Albrecht returned home, at dinner he drank a __7__ to his beloved brother for the years of
__8__ that had enabled him to fulfill his __9__. He said, "Albert, my blessed brother, now it is your
__10__ to go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream, and I will take care of you."
     With tears in his eyes, Albert held his hands close to his right cheek and said, "No, brother. I
cannot go. Look…look what four years in the mines have done to my __11__! The bones in every
finger have been __12__ at least once. Lately I have been suffering from arthritis (关节炎) so badly
in my right hand that I cannot even hold a __13__ to return your toast, much less make delicate lines
with a pen or a brush. No, brother…, for me it is too __14__."
     Deeply moved, Albrecht painstakingly drew his brother's __15__ hands with palms together and
thin fingers stretched skyward. He called his powerful drawing __16__ "Hands", to which the entire
world immediately opened their hearts and later they __17__ it "The Praying Hands".
     The next time when you see a copy of that __18__ creation, take a second look. Let it be your
__19__, if you still need one, that no one ever makes it __20__!                      
( )1. A. assistance    
( )2. A. fundamentally  
( )3. A. won          
( )4. A. mountains      
( )5. A. classmates    
( )6. A. concrete      
( )7. A. beer          
( )8. A. donation      
( )9. A. attempt        
( )10. A. turn          
( )11. A. health      
( )12. A. injured      
( )13. A. knife        
( )14. A. urgent        
( )15. A. abused        
( )16. A. happily      
( )17. A. sold          
( )18. A. longing      
( )19. A. reminder      
( )20. A. along        
B. art          
B. frequently  
B. lost        
B. oceans      
B. colleagues  
B. considerable
B. drink      
B. education    
B. ambition    
B. dream        
B. body        
B. strengthened
B. spoon        
B. unnecessary  
B. dark        
B. simply      
B. bought      
B. touching    
B. aid          
B. aside        
C. science      
C. financially  
C. ended      
C. deserts      
C. professors  
C. considerate  
C. drop        
C. sacrifice    
C. assignment  
C. kindness    
C. mind        
C. sharpened    
C. glass        
C. messy        
C. wide        
C. carefully    
C. found        
C. challenging  
C. guide        
C. alone        
D. dreaming    
D. flexibly    
D. started      
D. mines        
D. brothers    
D. confidential
D. toast        
D. experience  
D. assessment  
D. hope        
D. hands        
D. used        
D. pen          
D. late        
D. fragile      
D. badly        
D. renamed      
D. disturbing  
D. coach        
D. aware        





         魏文候与虞人期猎。明日,会天疾风,左右止文候,不听,曰:“不可。以风疾之   故而失信,吾不为也。“遂自驱车住,犯风而罢虞人。






1.对下列句中加粗词语的解释,不正确的一项是(     )

A.遂与大夫十日    期:约定

B.天疾风               会:适逢

C.风而罢虞人       犯:冒着

D.而击之也           过:经过

2.以下六句话分别编成四组,全部直接体现诚信的一组是(     )

① 遂罢兵而去

② 群臣守职,善恶不逾,百事不怠。

③ 人来,方与之食

④ 遂自驱车往,犯风而罢虞人

⑤ 子欲捕彘杀之

⑥ 乃更令明号而民信之

A. ①②⑤

B. ③④⑤

C. ①③⑥

D. ②④⑥

3.下列对原文有关内容的理解和分析,不正确的一项是(     )

A .晋文公用十天时间没有攻下原邑而主动撤兵,由于坚守诚信,文公感动了原邑和卫国的人,反而得到了两地。孔子对此表示赞赏。

B .吴起在“故人至暮不来”时仍坚持不食而等待,魏文侯在“会天疾风”时仍不失信于虞人,体现出了高尚的诚信品格,令人钦佩。

C .楚厉王因醉酒击鼓为戏而失信与民,致使有警而百姓不来;李悝因欺骗将士而失信于军,险致全军覆没。这两个故事从反面强调了诚信的重要。

D .卫嗣公派人假扮客商通过关口的集市,集市的官吏刁难客商并接受了贿赂。卫嗣公知道后要罢免这个官吏,他非常害怕,认为卫嗣公能明察秋毫。




(2) 母欺子,子而不信其母,非以成教也。

