
已知f(x)=2x2-2x,f(x)的零点在哪个区间( ) A.(-3,-2)



已知f(x)=2x2-2x,f(x)的零点在哪个区间(  )












Questions 61-70 are based on the following passage.

While some international couriers are showing signs of exhaustion, EMS (Express Mail Service), the generic name for the courier services of post offices, seems to be finding its stride. Known as Datapost in Britain, as Chronopost in France, and as A1-Barid al-Mumtaz in Saudi Arabia, EMS is now second in the international courier business (jointly with TNT Skypack). Last year it delivered 5.6 million items, weighing less than 20 kilograms each, across borders. That and its annual growth rate of around 5 percent have worried DHL, the market leader, enough for it to counter-attack in the Courts.
On October 26, a Dutch judge ruled against DHL on all three counts filed against the Dutch post office: that the three-initial name was too close to DHL’s; that the orange lines in the EMS logo were too similar to DHL’s dark red ones; and that the claim to the widest route system in the world was unfounded. DHL has threatened the Swiss post office with similar action, but it may reconsider after the Dutch ruling.
EMS has some advantages over the private couriers. One is a dense ready-made network of offices, especially in Europe, the avowed target area of the private couriers. Another advantage is a long tradition of working with customs authorities. In a business where minutes count, it pays to have good friends at customs. That advantage particularly irritates the private couriers because there is no legal way to combat such unquantifiable coziness.
The private courier services are also annoyed because in countries like Switzerland and Italy, where the post office is officially a monopoly, they pay it a fee. In Switzerland DHL says it pays more than SFr lm ($ 708,000) "to the competition" each year. In France the couriers have won a battle for exoneration.
Although governments are under little pressure to keep prices artificially low, EMS is often cheaper than the private couriers, but not always. A recent test in Britain (on a domestic route) showed Datapost about halfway between the least and the most expensive, but gave it full marks for speed and service.
Each national EMS is free to set its rates and follow its own rules on things like bulk discounts. The Universal Postal Union, based in Berne, determines how costs and revenues are split between sending and receiving countries, and standardizes procedures. More than 100 postal administrations have linked into the system—and more are coming, including Russia’s. That makes the feisty EMS particularly happy since its rivals have not been allowed to serve anywhere in Russia.

Which of the following can be inferred about Russia

A. Russia needed to compete with other European countries in EMS.
B. There were no private courier services in Russia.
C. The postal administration in Russia linked with the network long ago.
D. Russia was quite hesitant in the international cooperation.


(一)2005年,华银农业投资发展有限公司与某市H村委会签定了租地合同,约定将该村生态环境良好、集中连片的1000亩蔬菜地块以500元/亩租用30年;同时,每户村民以相同价格与村委会签合同,把土地租给村委会。该地块原本由每户村民家庭承包,每户1~2亩地分散种植水稻或蔬菜。该公司租用土地后进行大规模的设施农业开发,实行工厂化、集约化生产方式(如表1),产后加工与销售一体化(如表2)。所有农民工接受统一技术培训;公司统一为农民工免费提供吃饭、住房、电、水等基本生活条件;每个菜场就业的农民,年均工资收入在7000~8000元。  1  集约化生产  1)统一定点采购种子、农药、化肥等;  2)统一栽培技术规范,选用抗逆性强的品种,减少农药、化肥施用量;  3)统一制定生产计划;  4)每个菜场设一技术总管,统筹生产计划和生产技术;  5)分片分组管理。每个菜场的经营规模约为1000~1200亩。每200亩为一片,设一片长;每50亩设一小组,每小组设一组长;每个小组为独立效益考核单位(产出的质量等级、数量)。每季度对每小组前三名奖励。  2  产后加工与销售  1)按统一标准进行采收、包装;  2)在采收、切割、计量、冷冻处理后,泡沫箱包装;  3)分别在香港长沙湾市场、粉岭市场、深圳布吉农批市场销售,参与一级批发。  根据上述资料,回答下列问题。

对于农户出租的土地而言,土地产权关系中不变的是( )。




