
妇女地位提高是社会文明进步的重要标志。阅读下列材料,回答问题。 材料一英吉利之俗




材料一 英吉利之俗,男女婚配,皆自择定,然后告父母。至婚配之日,耶稣教师诫以善言,为之祈福。男以戒指约於女指,亲宾送之入房,欢宴而散。其俗男女皆分父母之产,男不得娶妾,犯者流之七年。


(1)  依据材料一,概括英国的婚姻观念,并简要分析其形成的主要因素。(5分)

材料二  1916年,北京中国银行最先使用女子司账,一时被称为“银行界之破天荒,妇女界之新事业”。1918年4月,上海曹某的理发店首次雇佣了二三十名女理发师。进入20世纪20年代,一些大城市的医疗、银行、商店、文艺、电讯等部门均有女职员出现。

(2)  材料二反映了什么历史现象?结合时代背景分析其原因(5分)。

材料三 新中国的成立为妇女参政事业建立了优越的制度,《共同纲领》中首先订明妇女在政治上拥有与男子相同的权利。1953年公布的《选举法》规定“妇女有与男子同等的选举权和被选举权”。1954年的《中华人民共和国宪法》中,再次重申了妇女有与男子同等的选举权和被选举权。




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The increasingly high rates of juvenile delinquency are a great problem in modem society. More and more people are paying special attention to it.

When it comes to the reasons, here are two of them. Modem youth are more revolutionary and more independent than the elder generation. When this tendency goes to an extreme, problems arise. Some of the young want to throw away all the traditional principles and beliefs, most of which are very good for self-cultivation. They are reluctant to listen to the advice from elder generation. If they behave in the way, as they like, they might commit crimes without realizing it. Studies also show that juvenile-delinquency rates are twice as high for youngsters from single-parent homes as for those in traditional households. Children in single-parent families are taken less care of and thus have feelings of being neglected, discriminated and isolated. The lack of parental love makes them hostile and cynical towards the society.

There are several ways to prevent the youth from committing crimes. School education plays an important role to teach traditional beliefs. Books and programs should be in good quality. There should be more educational books and programs for young children to tell them how to distinguish the right from the wrong. Also, mutual understanding between parents and children is also very important. Parental supervision and guidance are a key factor of self-cultivation in lifetime. The two generations need to smooth away disagreement. Parents can spend much time staying with their children and patiently carry out the duty of family education.

And others are starting to pay attention to another problem in modern society that may underline all sorts of crimes, including juvenile delinquency, though it is believed that the development of information technology has made the world smaller. Modern people have greater tensions so that they have less time to communicate with each other. More and more people are living in urban areas, where life is in a quick rhythm. Due to fierce competition, which is the most important reason of all, city dwellers have to be working hard in order to keep up with the steps of city life. Everybody is busy all the time. Work pressures deprive them of a casual way of life. Moreover, living in apartments in different blocks, people are isolated from each other. It is not convenient for them to meet each other freely.

What is the " another problem " mentioned in paragraph 4()

A. A lot of problems have been caused by information technology

B. Modern people are feeling isolated from each other

C. Competition is much more severe than ever before

D. Modern society hosts all sorts of crimes
