
用一个5倍的放大镜去观察一个三角形,对此,四位同学有如下说法: 甲说:三角形的每







丁说:三角形的周长都扩大到原来的5倍.上述说法中正确的是(  )






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Jack Andraka from Maryland won the grand prize at the 2012 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. It is the largest high school science competition in the world. The Maryland teenager is the youngest winner of the $75,000 prize. He was chosen from among 1,500 students in 70 countries.Jack Andraka invented a test for pancreatic cancer (胰腺癌). He started to learn it after losing a close family friend to the disease. “I went on the Internet and I found that 85%of all pancreatic cancers are found late, when someone has less than 2% chance of survival(生存), ” he says, “and I was thinking,’ That’s not right. We should be able to do something.’” He found that early discovery is important to increasing the chances of surviving the disease.

The Maryland teenager asked to work in a laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and was allowed. There he developed a simple paper test, which can recognize the disease in a single drop of blood. His test has proved correct 90% of the time. It also is 100 times more sensitive(敏感的)than other tests. “It costs 3 cents per test, and then it takes only 5 minutes to run,” he said.

Jack’s success wouldn’t have been possible without Anirban Maitra, a professor at Johns Hopkins. He was the only person among the 200 researchers Jack wrote to who showed interest in his project. “I was very surprised that this was a 15-year-old who was writing this. I wanted to meet this clever young man and see what he wanted to talk about and so I called him over for an interview(会面). ”

Jack worked in Professor Maitra’s laboratory, completing his project in 7 months. The government has given the Maryland teenager patent rights(专利权)to the pancreatic cancer test. He is now talking with companies about developing the test into a simple product.

Whatever happens, the professor believes Jack Andraka’s name is one we will be hearing again over the next 10 to 20 years.

小题1: What made Jack Andraka research pancreatic cancer?

A.A high school task.

B.A professor’s encouragement.

C.Losing a friend.

D.Doubts about the present test.小题2: Jack Andraka’s research on pancreatic cancer __________.

A.proved to be very successful

B.was 100 times cheaper than other tests

C.gave patients a 90% chance of survival

D.was finished at the high school of Maryland小题3: We can infer(推断)from the text that Jack Andraka __________.

A.left a deep impression on Professor Maitra

B.was thought highly of by companies

C.got support from others easily

D.wasn’t afraid of failure小题4: The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggested Jack Andraka will __________.

A.become rich

B.make contributions(贡献)continually

C.get a good job

D.make products to treat cancer小题5: What’s the best title for the text?

A.Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

B.Jack Andraka’s Fights Against Cancer

C.Research on Pancreatic Cancer

D.Teenager Cancer Researcher



(1)迷津欲有问,     。(孟浩然《早寒江上有怀》)

(2)     ,坐看云起时。(王维《终南别业》)

(3)抽刀断水水更流,       。(李白《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》)

(4)       ,吟鞭东指即天涯。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》)

(5)《诗经·采薇》中“          ”表达了戍卒回首往事中对家乡依依难舍之情。

(6)林嗣环《口技》中“        ”既表明宾客对表演者的向往之情,又为表演创造了静谧氛围。


(8)“三省六部”制出现以后,官员的升迁任免由吏部掌管。官职的任免升降常用词语有:①除:拜官授职;②去:解除职务,有辞职、调离和免职三种情况;③    :调动官职,包括升级、降级、平级转调三种情况;④    :降职贬官或调往边远地区。
