
社会存在对社会意识的作用主要表现为( )。 A.社会意识来源于社会存在,是社会存在



社会存在对社会意识的作用主要表现为( )。






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(I)见解析 (II)p=11/21本试题主要考查了统计和概率的综合运用。第一问工厂总数为18+27+18=63,样本容量与总体中的个体数比为7/63=1/9…3分所以从A,B,C三个区中应分别抽取的工厂个数为2,3,2。第二问设...


认真阅读下列素材,并根据广播新闻写作要求,完成第38至41小题写作任务。北京市民在家乐福买柚子 意外发现有小白虫“我家在家乐福买的柚子上发现小白虫。”昨日,市民李小姐拔打本报热线67106666称,担心小白虫是蛆虫。李小姐称,前天,她母亲在家乐福望京店购买蜜柚、鱼等食品共消费30余元。李小姐的家人准备吃柚子时,发现其中一只柚子表皮上有小白虫往外钻。小白虫长约1厘米、粗细如米粒。昨日上午,李小姐母亲带着爬有小白虫的柚子来到家乐福望京店,要求对方给予解释。记者见到,其中一只有腐烂的柚子上确有四五只小白虫,在表皮上蠕动。家乐福望京店果蔬部的两名工作人员当场将两只柚子切开,均未见有小白虫。“虫子是在外面的,水果本身没问题。”果蔬部负责人侯先生称,柚子是从福建进的,是当地农民直供产品,出现小白虫,不能确定就是水果本身质量问题,也可能是保存不当造成。昨日上午,家乐福望京店客服征得李小姐母亲同意,为其更换一只价值15元的菠萝。李小姐不同意此处理结果。昨晚,李小姐找到家乐福,经协商,店方同意“退一赔一”,退还李小姐母亲当日购物消费的2倍现金,共63.4元。“退一赔一”说法得到家乐福北方区公关部经理师若桐的证实。家乐福北方区公关部向本报回复传真称,家乐福对于进货有着严格的把关系统(柚子产地为福建平和);柚子的购买日期为两天前,家乐福对于虫子的来源表示怀疑。昨天,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所科技处工作人员称,仅凭外表无法确定小白虫就是蛆虫(柑橘类大实蝇),须等它变虫后方可判断。不过,消费者无需“谈虫色变”,小白虫对人体健康不会造成任何影响。但是,受“柑橘有蛆虫”的舆论影响,柑橘价格一降再降,买主仍在减少,市民们纷纷“敬而远之”。今日上午10点许,记者来到北京岳各庄批发市场。大厅内,蔬菜摊主们已经开始撤摊收工,而在水果批发区里,卖水果的摊主们还在寒风中守着橘子等待买家。摊主王先生穿着厚厚的绿军大衣,寒风让他不住地搓手跺脚取暖,他身边还有十来个硬纸箱,箱壁上写着“三峡蜜橘”几个字。王先生讲,就在四五天前,他的橘子还卖得很红火,“每天进货五六十公斤,每斤以1块2毛钱卖出,几乎都卖光了。”从昨日开始,橘子突然滞销了,连问价的人都没有,“昨天我就不进货了。两天之内,价钱一降再降,现在每斤都卖到9毛钱了,每天也才卖出10来斤。”由于门庭冷落,与王先生相邻几个售橘的摊主干脆坐在地上打起了牌。对于橘市骤冷,他们一致认为是“柑橘遭虫”惹的祸,“我们的橘子都是湖北的,根本没虫,但顾客都不听解释,我们再推销也没用。”据新发地市场工作人员介绍,目前,本市市场上销售的柑橘主要来自陕南汉中、湖北、湖南、江西等地,上市量最大的是湖北宜昌蜜橘。柑橘进入市场必须持有产地证明,市场检查合格后颁发检验合格证明,才准予销售。新发地市场还针对“蛆虫柑橘”事件,加大了对水果的检测和监测力度。因此,消费者可以放心购买。



There is a definite possibility that the climate of the world may be changing. Some scientists imagine that this could even mean the beginning of another ice age. The effects of such a change in climate on the human population of the world would be startling(惊人的).

Recent research suggests that the general warming trend of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end. During the past ten years, meteorologists tell us the average temperature of the Earth has dropped about one degree Fahrenheit. This does not seem like much, but it could have effects on wind and rain patterns which influence the overall weather picture. If these patterns change a lot, it could mean that certain regions of the world may continue to have long droughts while others will possibly suffer from widespread flooding.

What regulates(调节)the climate is not exactly known. Meteorologists believe that clouds may be an important factor in regulating the amount of solar heat held by the Earth, which in turn determines the temperature of the planet. Another possibility is that man’s industrial and agricultural methods may be affecting the natural weather patterns. However, the weather is not understood well enough for scientists to say for certain what is happening to the climate and what side effects this will actually have on the world’s population.

小题1:According to the passage, the climate of the world seems to    .

A.be getting colder

B.be getting warmer

C.remain the same in the past ten years

D.have good effects on the world’s population小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Man’s activities have no effect on the climate.

B.Another ice age will come soon.

C.People don’t care about the changing climate.

D.Scientists are not yet sure about the reason for the changing climate.小题3:A meteorologist is a person who        .

reads weather forecasts on radio or television 

B. thinks there will be another ice age

C. studies and knows about the weather       

D. believes there will be widespread flooding

小题4: Which of the following may be the factor(s) that affect(s) the natural weather patterns?


B.The amount of heat the Earth receives.

C.Man’s industrial and agricultural methods.

D.All of the above.小题5:The best title for the passage would be         .

A.Droughts and Floods.


C.The Changing Climate

D.Solar Heat
