
阅读下面语段,根据语段中注音写出汉字。(2分) 人类的智慧与大自然的智慧相比实在




人类的智慧与大自然的智慧相比实在是相形见chù(   )。无论是令人厌恶的苍蝇蚊子,还是美丽可人的鲜花绿草;无论是高深莫cè(   )的星空,还是不值一提的灰尘,都是大自然精巧绝lún(   )的艺术品,展示出大自然深suì(   )、高超的智慧。大自然用“死”的物质创造出了这样丰富多采的生命,而人类却不能制造出一个哪怕是最简单的生物。

(1)Chù      (2) cè        (3)lún        (4)suì


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(1)利用双氧水、二氧化锰制取氧气可选用上述装置,发生反应的文字表达式(并在文字后写出该物质的化学式)为:_______                             ,该反应的基本类型为_______              。二氧化锰在该反应中起______作用。

(2)利用上述装置还能制取的气体是______,检验集气瓶收集满该气体的方法是_______                    。


(4)利用两套装置制备气体时,装置Ⅱ与装置I相比,其优点是________ 。




【问题2】(7分)该商务网站只对会员用户开放购物车模块,当非会员用户点击购物车模块首页链接时,系统跳转至会员注册页面;会员用户点击购物车模块首页链接时,直接进入购物车模块的首页。其中购物车模块的首页为main.asp,用户登录时的判断页面是ChkLogin.asp,会员注册页面为Register.asp。 1 .ChkLogin.asp的部分代码如下,请在空(4)~(6)处填写正确的代码。<!--#include file=conn.asp--> <% ……username=replace(trim( (4) (“username”)),“”,“”)spl=“select*from (5) where Password=“”&password&“” andUserName=“”&username&“” rs.open sql,conn,1,1if (6)(rs.bof and rs.eof) thenif password=rs(“Password”)thensession(“Usemame”)= rs(“UserName”)session(“Usergrade”)=rs(“Usergrade”)…… %>2. main.asp的部分代码如下,请为空(7)~(8)选择正确的代码。 <% if(7)◇“m”then response. (8) “Register.asp” end if %> …… (7)备选答案:A.session(“Username”)    B.session(“Usergrade”)C.application(“Username”)   D.application(“Usergrade‘)(8)备选答案:A. cookie  B. endC.reairect D.write



     Last month, students from one hundred and three universities in eightyeight countries took part in

an international computer programming contest. The Battle of the Brains took place in Harbin, China. 


     Jerry Cain, coach of Stanford University Team  California, says, "One of the programming problems

was trying to figure out how to break an arbitrary chocolate bar into a certain number of pieces of a

certain numb er of sizes and to do it as quickly as possible.    __2__"

     The students first listed the problems in order of difficulty.__3__ They designed ways to test their

solutions. And they wrote needed software systems.  Even the winning team from Shanghai Jiaotong

University in China was not able to solve all the problems within the given time limit.  Stanford's team

solved five problems and finished in the 14th place. Stanford was one of twentyone American universities

that took part in the contest this year.

     __4__ It began in 1970 at Texas A&M University. The contest quickly became popular in the

United States and Canada. It developed and grew as more and more schools took part in local and

area contests.

     The first final competition was held in 1977 at the Association for Computing Machinery Computer

Science conference. Today, a network of universities holds area competitions that send the winners to

the world finals, now organized by IBM. Contest spokesman Doug Heintzman says the world champions

receive prizes and scholarships.  __5__

A. The competitors show real interest in IBM.

B. Then they figured out the requirements of each.

C. And that's probably the simplest of all of them.

D. This competition is an opportunity to be recognized by famous universities from the world.

E. Threeperson teams from each school had five hours to solve eleven real world problems.

F. The official name of the Battle of the Brains is the ACM  International Collegiate Programming Contest.

G. They are also guaranteed an offer of employment with IBM.
