
二乙二醇产品中水含量优级品指标为()。A、≤0.1% B、≤0.2% C、≤0.3%









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参考答案:B解析: 报告绩效过程、项目绩效报告。


根据课文默写古诗文。 (8分)


(2)李白《渡荆门送别》一诗描写渡过荆门进入楚地的壮阔景象的两句    _  _,__  ___。

(3)山下兰芽短浸溪,松间沙路净无泥               。(苏轼《浣溪沙》)

(4)            ,我言秋日胜春朝。(刘禹锡《秋词》)

(5)《送友人》中借马鸣犹作别离之声,衬托离情别绪的句子是“                  。”


     During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the

resources of the sea were unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19th century

commented that none of the great sea fisheries(渔业) are to be exhausted. Today though, there is

evidence that the resources land and the air,  and that the endangered species (种类) include Herring

and Carp as well as the African Elephant, Indian Tiger, and the American Eagle.

     Further, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.

     This is because fish are a much needed food resource and people throughout the world depend on

fish as an important part of their dish,  and the decline (下降) in the fish supply could have extensive

effects on hunger and population.

     Fishermen in the North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food

demands, but it is important to recognize that these practices cannot continue without depleting (耗尽)

fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining in many parts of the world,

and the problem cannot he ignored (忽视) .

     We can predict that food supplies in the sea can not last forever.

1. According to the speaker, what was the attitude(态度) in the 19th century toward resources of

the sea?

A. Declined.              

B. Depleted.

C. Limited.                

D. Unlimited.

2. What is the range(地带)  of the decline in fish supply?  

A. Europe and Asia.        

B. The whole world.

C. Asia and America.      

D. America.

3. What does the author believe about sea resources?   

A. Sea resources can last forever.

B. None of the great sea fisheries are to be exhausted.

C. Fish supply has no effects on people.

D. Sea resources are important to people.

4. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the lecture?

A. Unlimited Sea Resources

B. Threats to Animals and Birds

C. Sea Resources on the Decline

D. Protection of Fish
