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The marine environment is fascinating to study and work in due to its beauty, richness, and complexity. It covers three quarters of the surface of the Earth, yet we know more detail about the surface of Mars.

In the past, it was seen as both an inexhaustible resource and a bottomless sink for our wastes. Yet the increasing pressures of overpopulation, pollution and the threat to our natural environment mean that there is an increasing need for scientists who can understand how it all works, how it affects us, and how we are affecting it from global warming through to the smallest plankton.

From local issues to global concerns, we now know that the marine environment is inextricably linked to our lives, and to our future survival. It is an area where much remains to be discovered, and where only a multidisciplinary approach can cover the breadth of issues to be confronted. This is the approach taken on our Marine Environmental Science degree course.

This course takes a multi-disciplinary approach to explore and understand the marine environment. After an initial grounding in basic science, optional choices are available in specialist topics such as marine ecosystems and pollution, coastal navigation and oceanography, among others.

Our new harbor side marine laboratory is used for some of the specialist lectures, laboratory and project work, while a week's residential field course in the Isle of Man provides training to prepare for the research project conducted in your final year. There is an optional trip to Belize in the final year to study tropical marine environments.

小题1: From the passage, we can infer that ______.

A.people waste a lot of resource

B.marine environment covers 3/4 of the surface of Mars

C.marine environment is beautiful for its sufficient resources

D.the Earth is similar to Mars小题2:The present environment of the Earth forces the experts and scholars to study ______.

A.the relationship between people’s actions and natural environment

B.the relationship between people’s actions and pollution

C.the relationship between people’s actions and overpopulation

D.the relationship between people’s actions and plankton小题3: According to the passage, a multi-disciplinary approach is effective because _______.

A.we can choose some issues as optionally as we can

B.we have practiced the approach for a long time

C.the approach is linked to our future survival

D.the approach covers a lot of problems we will meet小题4:We can divide the lectures of the course into ______ parts.




D.4小题5:If a student choose marine Environmental Science degree course, he must ______.

A. make lectures about the issues to be confronted

B. provide training to get ready to do research project

C. take several days residential field in the Isle

travel to Belize to study tropical marine environments



材料一  西汉巨商卓王孙的新寡女儿卓文君与司马相如一见钟情,琴心相悦,雪夜私奔。对此,宋明理学家认为寡妇“逾墙淫奔,无耻之尤”;明末李贽却认为卓文君是“正获身,非失身”“当大喜,何耻为”。

材料二  伏尔泰赞美孔丘“只诉诸道德,不宣传神怪”。他相信儒学是最好最合人类理性的哲学,并以中国为理想国,提倡以中国文化为标准。孟德斯鸠、卢梭则指出真实的中国根本不如尊孔人士想象和描述的那么美妙,他们对中国文化,尤其是无制衡的专制主义进行了猛烈的抨击和揭露。


材料三 启蒙运动的意识形态倾向于把自然哲学家变成英雄,而在法国最伟大的英雄是牛顿,……在法国人如伏尔泰和孟德斯鸠的心目中,英国是自由思想和意志自由之源,不过这也是因为他解开了行星之谜.说明它们的运动遵循着与地上运动相同的规律。




