
下述子宫破裂的处理措施中哪项不恰当() A.裂口修补缝合 B.胎儿已死亡则可经阴分娩

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题









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作出假设:蚕只吃桑叶而不吃其它植物叶子是先天性行为。制定计划(1)B 只有用刚孵化的小蚕进行实验才可以确定其只吃桑叶而不吃其他植物叶子是先天性行为还是饲养的结果。(2)叶的种类 桑叶 菠菜叶(或...



A. Make an intentional choice

B. Drop anger and resentment

C. Invest in the best

D. Practice self-acceptance

E. Live in a state of appreciation

F. Enjoy your life

Steps to True Happiness

Happiness comes from within. Being content requires living from within, putting more focus on personal values, and loving others. Happiness is more about internal qualities than external stuff. It’s more about inclusion than separation. Happiness isn’t something you search for or go after, it’s a moment by moment decision you make.

Anyone can become a happier person because happiness begets(引发)happiness. However it does take a lot of effort.

Read on for steps to carry out your personal happiness plan:


Happiness is an intentional choice. Each morning tell yourself, “I’m happy today.” Take daily responsibility for your happiness quotient (指数). Choose to enjoy the next 24 hours, then the next, and the next. If nothing else ever changes in your life, know that in spite of everything, you can be happy. Make a commitment to happiness, be happy now.


Honor your uniqueness. Dance with your spirit and reach for the stars. Shine your light on your quirkiness (突变). Appreciate your magnificent talent and enormous wisdom, and use them to make the world a better place.

Stop chasing happiness. When you stop pursuing about a better job, a bigger home, a smaller body, joy bubbles to the surface. Happiness isn’t something you chase or become in a distant future. Happiness is all that you are right now.


The best investment (投资) you can make is in the relationships you have with your family, friends, colleagues, and community. Communicate. Spend time together. Join in volunteering, a feel-good activity. As you enrich the lives of others you enrich your own. Strong connections to others increase your well-being. Chasing happiness causes you to miss the happiness right under your nose. Extend love to others today. Notice how good it makes you feel.


Learning to be grateful throughout the day will change the way you interpret life. It changes your brain and opens your heart. Writing down your gratitude list helps solidify it in your brain. The more you express gratitude, the more you find to be grateful for.

Happiness isn’t acquiring something or in some future event. Gratitude is found in the present moment and then happiness follows.


Forgiveness is giving up being a victim. It turns “poor me” into “free me”. You create your own suffering, stress, and misery by your need to be right. When you hold on to resentment, you miss the present by reliving stories of the past. Happiness dwells in a loving heart and a healed past. Decide to see things differently. Don’t worry about how to forgive. Instead, choose to be a forgiving person.
