
我国有文字可考的历史从夏朝开始。[ ]



我国有文字可考的历史从夏朝开始。[ ]


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1、“略”2、春分;3月21日;昼夜平分3、23.5°N 4、D 5、CD 6、B







  伫立西湖畔,友人潘杰轻轻拉拉我,说:“看看岳王坟吧!”于是,我们沿着湖边的围墙,前行数百米,登上层层石阶,到了岳王陵园。只见岳飞高坐正中,头戴金盔,披挂金甲,身穿紫袍,手按宝剑,端庄巍然。塑像上方是岳飞草书的“还我河山”的巨匾;正门重檐中间高挂叶剑英元帅“心昭天日”的题词;两侧还站着岳云、张宪两位少年 * * 的塑像,这不禁使人想起岳飞一家浴血沙场、精忠报国的英雄气概和光复河山的壮志豪情,以及他们遭 * * 人陷害的人生悲剧。墓门右侧跪着的秦桧夫妇、万俟 等一帮 * * 贼,这些出卖民族利益、陷害忠良的丑类,只能遭到世世代代的千人唾、万人骂。我正默想深思,友人告诉我:“岳王坟是新建的。‘ * * ’中‘ * * ’认为金人是少数民族,岳飞不是民族英雄,岳王坟被毁!”这是多么可悲的反历史主义的逻辑!照此说来,历史上一切汉 * * 、卖国贼岂不都成了“民族团结”的功臣?哪里还有抗敌与投降,爱国与卖国的忠 * * 之分?如今,岳王坟的旧观虽然已经恢复,但更需要恢复的是我们民族的良知啊!

  从岳王墓园出来,我们折回湖心亭上。此亭位于中山公园与三潭印月之间的一个小岛上。湖光波影,小岛犹如一朵湖面莲花,而亭就是花心之蕊。我们休憩在石桌旁,品茗赏花。潘杰在80年代中期曾创办杭州初阳台文学创作园,扶持文学新人。我们不免谈起文学来。我说:“西湖地灵人杰,前有白居易、苏东坡,后有秋瑾、鲁迅,其实还有一些鲜为人知的英雄,也是值得大书特书的。”接着,我向他介绍了我家乡蜀州人王国英,他曾在杭州为官,后在1841年第一次鸦片战争期间,戍守宁波府,与英军义律主力激战,坚守孤城,不幸被俘,拒降骂贼,被英军挖眼、割舌、削指、砍头,表现了中华儿女忠贞不屈、为国捐躯的英雄气概。潘杰点点头, 然后惋惜地说:“好些作家对这些不感兴趣了,热衷的是追星、抓黄、搞刺激……审美情趣的堕落是文学的悲哀啊!”












Dr. Sylvia Earle wants you to stop eating fish. It’s not because fish are endangered, though wild fish stocks in many oceans are very low. It’s not because they’re bad for you, though fish in many areas are exposed to poisonous substances in the water. It’s because they’re smart.

“Fish are sensitive, they have personalities,” says the marine biologist. For Earle, eating a fish would be like eating a dog or a cat. “I would never eat anyone I know personally.”

There’s a lot more to fish than meets the eye: they talk to each other, they like to be touched, and they engage in behavior that can seem very human. They can remember things and learn from experience. Earle and a growing number of animal rights activists see these as strong arguments against eating fish altogether.

The activists also point out that fish feel pain and fish suffer horribly on their way from the sea to the supermarket. “While it may seem obvious that fish are able to feel pain, like every other animal, some people think of fish as swimming vegetables,” says Dr. Lynne Sneddon. “Really, it’s kind of a moral question. Is the enjoyment you get from fishing (or eating fish) more important than the pain of the fish?”

Fishermen and (fried) fish lovers are doubtful. “I’ve never seen a smart fish,” says Marie Swaringen as she finishes off a plate of fish at a Seattle seafood restaurant. “If they were very smart, they wouldn’t get caught.”

“For years, everyone’s been telling us to eat fish because it’s so good for us,” says another diner. “Now I’ve got to feel guilty while I’m eating my fish? What are they going to think of next? Don’t eat salad because cucumbers have feelings?”

小题1: Dr. Sylvia Earle discourage people from eating fish because _____________.

A.there are not that many wild fish in the ocean

B.fish actually are sensitive and have personalities

C.some ocean fish contain poisonous substances

D.fish are like dogs or cats that people know personally小题2:We can infer from the passage that _____________.

A.all people don’t agree with the idea to stop eating fish

B.people will be persuaded not to eat fish in the future

C.stopping eating fish will lead to people’s not eating vegetables

D.we shouldn’t care too much about the feeling of fish小题3: By saying “There’s a lot more to fish than meets the eye,” the writer means ____________.

A.there are far more fish than other animals in the world

B.there are more fish in the world than people can see

C.people can see more fish if they pay more attention

D.fish are not that simple as they appear to people’s eyes
