
已知函数f(x)=ax2-3ax+1(a∈R) (1)若f(-1)•f(2)<0







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According to a report from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the sale of computer games in the United States of America has more than doubled in the past 10 years, from $2.6 billion to $7 billion in 2005. Analysts (分析家) say that these numbers are very alarming and many people are asking, “Can gaming become an addiction?” Elizabeth Woolly said, “Computer games, like any other activity, can be hard to stop once an addiction has been formed.”

Many students are addicted to computer games and they even forget eating and bathing. They don’t go to school, playing games for hours of days. It is said that last year, seven people in South Korea died as a result of too much gaming.

“We have kids who don’t know how to communicate with people face to face because they have spent three years playing games and talking to others through a computer. Eventually computer games have spoiled their eyes,” said a father.








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Motivation is "the driving force within individuals that impels them to action." And goals are the sought-after results_____(1) motivated behavior.Motivation can be either positive or negative_____(2) direction. We may feel a driving force toward some object or condition, _____(3) a driving force away from some object or condition. For example, a person may be impelled toward a restaurant to fulfill a need, hunger, and away_____(4) an airplane to fulfill a need of safety. Some psychologists refer to positive drives_____(5) needs, wants or desires,_____(6) negative drives as fears or aversions._____ (7), though negative and positive motivational forces seem to differ dramatically_____(8) terms of physical and sometimes emotional activity, they are basically similar in_____(9) they both serve to initiate and sustain human behavior.____(10) this reason, researchers often refer _____(11) both kinds of drives or motives as needs, wants and desires.Goals, _____(12), can be either positive or negative. A positive goal is one toward_____ (13) behavior is directed and it is often referred to as an approach object. A negative goal is _____(14) from which behavior is directed away and it is sometimes referred to as an avoidance object. Since both approach and avoidance goals can be considered objectives of motivated behavior, most researchers refer to_____(15) types simply as goals. Consider this example. A middle-aged woman may wish to remain_____(16) attractive as possible. Her positive goal is to appear desirable, and_____(17) she may use a perfume advertised to make her irresistible. A negative goal may be to prevent her skin_____(18) aging, and therefore she may buy and use face creams._____(19) the former case, she uses perfume to help her achieve her positive goal — attractiveness; in the____(20) case, she uses face creams to help avoid a negative goal — wrinkled skin.
