



1959年文化部在各大城市同时举办“庆祝建国十周年国产新片展览月”活动。35部优秀影片一齐展出,其中故事片就有17部。不到一个月,观众达1.2亿人次。电影界称之为“难忘的1959年”。1969年建国二十周年时,全国各地上演的只有现代京剧《红灯记》、《沙家浜》、《智取威虎山》、《奇袭白虎团》、《海港》,芭蕾舞剧《红色娘子军》等八个“样板戏”。这充分说明 [ ]




D.“ * * ”对文艺有重大的影响


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Here is a selection of the tours organized for the coming year:

★-------8 days mountaineering trip--climb Yunnan's third highest peak, the Haba snow mountain. This is ideal for the truly adventurous. You need to be fit and healthy.

★------ 8 days cycling tour from Qiaotou Town--visit the spectacular Tiger Leaping Gorge. It is a leisurely tour suitable for anyone who is reasonably fit and healthy. No previous cycling experience is necessary and all our routes are on flat land!

★----- 8 days river rafting--white water adventure on the Yangtze from the old town of Lijiang. This adults-only tour is exclusively for good swimmers and physically fit.

★----- 10 days rainforest trek(乘牛车旅行)--spend 5 days in the forest and meet the local people. This is a walking tour and no previous experience is needed, just a curious mind and an interest in traditional cultures.

★------10 days horse trekking tour--visit authentic Tibetan villages of Shangri-la. The ultimate horse-riding experience in a spectacular mountain environment. This trip is for confirmed riders only. Don't expect three-star hotels on this trip.


A. An 18-year-old student who is interested in traditional lifestyles but only has a week to spare.

B. A family of four, including parents, a sixteen-year-old son and a thirteen-year-old daughter, who are looking for a fun holiday. All four are good riders and strong swimmers.

C A retired couple who are reasonably fit and who want to find out more about ethnic minorities'(少数民族) cultures.

D A group of four young adults who are into all extreme sports and are looking for something with plenty of excitement. They are more interested in the scenery than in the life of the locals.

E A family of five including a ten-year-old girl. They have many different interests and they are looking for a relaxing holiday.

F. A honeymoon couple who want the holiday of a lifetime. They are both sporty types and love water sports.

旅游线路                              出游者

66. 8 days mountaineering trip                 A. An 18-year-old student

67. 8 days cycling tour                      B. A family of four

68. 8 days river rafting                       C. A retired couple

69. 10 days rainforest trek                    D. A group of four young adults

70. 10 days horse trekking tour                E. A family of five

F. A honeymoon couple
