
完形填空。 Some people say they have an answe



     Some people say they have an answer to the problems of car crowding and
pollution. In many cities, hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day. In
New York City, some bike riders have even  1  a group: Bike for a Better City.
They say if    2   people rode bikes to work, there would be fewer cars and
less dirty air.
    For several years this group has tried to get help for bike riders. They want
to have special roads for bikes only, because when bike riders must use the
same roads 3  cars, there may be accidents. Bike for a Better City feels if there
were bike roads, more people would use bikes.
     But  4  bike roads have been ready yet. Not everyone thinks it is a good5  .
Divers don't like it, and some shop owners don't,  6    . And most people live
7  far from the city to travel by bike. Still, 8   has been done about it. On
Saturdays and Sundays, the largest open park in New York is 9  to cars, and
the roads may be used by bikes only, but the group still says this is not enough
and goes on fighting  10  bike roads.  
( ) 1.  A. found    
( ) 2.  A. fewer  
( ) 3.  A. as    
( ) 4.  A. no      
( ) 5.  A. hope     
( ) 6.  A. so       
( ) 7.  A. very      
( ) 8.  A. everything
( ) 9.  A. closed  
( ) 10.A. get    
B. founded  
B. less      
B. like      
B. only      
B. way      
B. both      
B. quite    
B. something
B. open      
B. to get    
C. made    
C. many    
C. besides  
C. some    
C. some    
C. neither  
C. too      
C. anything
C. opening  
C. ask      
D. looked for  
D. more        
D. on          
D. on          
D. idea        
D. either      
D. so          
D. nothing    
D. closing    
D. to ask      


1-5CDAAD         6-10DCBAB  


Questions 61-64 are based on the following passage.
"It’s like being bitten to death by ducks." That’s how one mother described her constant squabbles with her eleven-year-old daughter. And she’s hardly alone in the experience. The arguments almost always involve mundane matters—taking out the garbage, coming home on time, cleaning up the bedroom. But despite its banality, this relentless bickering takes its adolescents—particularly mothers—report lower levels of life satisfaction, less marital happiness, and more general distress than parents of younger children. Is this continual arguing necessary
For the past two years, my students and I have been examining the day-to-day relation-ships of parents and young teenagers to learn how and why family ties change during the transition from childhood into adolescence. Repeatedly, I am struck by the fact that, despite considerable love between most teens and their parents, they can’t help sparring. Even in the closest of families, parents and teenagers squabble and bicker surprisingly often—so often, in fact, that we hear impassioned recountings of these arguments in virtually every discussion we have with parents or teenagers. One of the most frequently heard phrases on our interview tapes is, "We usually get along but..."
As psychologist Anne Petersen notes, the subject of parent-adolescent conflict has generated considerable controversy among researchers and clinicians. Until about twenty years ago, our views of such conflict were shaped by psychoanalytic clinicians and theorists, who argued that spite and revenge, passive aggressiveness and rebelliousness toward parents are all normal, even healthy, aspects of adolescence. But studies conducted during the 1970s on samples of average teenagers and their parents (rather than those who spent Wednesday afternoons on analysts’ couches) challenged the view that family storm and stress was inevitable or pervasive. These surveys consistently showed that three-fourths of all teenagers and parents, here and abroad, feel quite close to each other and report getting along very well. Family relations appeared far more pacific than professionals and the public had believed.

Studies conducted during the 1970s on parents-children relationship indicated that ______.

A.adolescence did not cause as much trouble as clinicians and theorists had stated

B.children’s aggressiveness and rebelliousness were growing

C.children-parents relationship was declining

D.teenagers became even more abhorrent of their parents
