
有一个灯泡L1,上面标着“4V2W”字样,求: (1)灯泡L1正常发光时通过的电







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     After years of marriage, I started to go out with another woman.
     "You love her," my wife said. "I love you," I   1  . "But you also love her."
     The other woman was my   2  , a widow for 19 years, but my work and my three children had made it   3  
to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a   4  . "What's wrong,
are you OK?" she asked. My mother is the woman who suspects a(n)   5   night call or a surprise invitation is
a sign of bad news. "Just want to pass some time with you," I   6  . "Two of us!" She thought about it for a
moment, then said OK.
     That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit   7  . When arriving, I noticed that she,
too, was nervous about our   8  . She smiled like an angel. "I told it to my friends and they were   9  ," she said,
"They can't wait to hear about our meeting."
     We went to a restaurant. My mother took my  10  as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had
to read the menu. Her eyes were bad and could only read large  11 . "I read the menu when you were small,"
she said. "Then it's time that you should relax and let me return the  12 ," I responded.
     We had an agreeable conversation, nothing extraordinary but each other's  13 . We talked so much that we
missed the movie. As we arrived at her house  14 , she said, "I wish I could go out with you again. I agreed 
 15 ."
     A few  16  later my mother died of a serious heart attack. It 17  so suddenly that I didn't have a chance to
do anything for her. At that moment I understood the importance of  18  in time:"I LOVE YOU" and to give
our loved ones the time that they  19 .
     Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things
cannot be  20  till "some other time".
( )1. A. debated     
( )2. A. mother      
( )3. A. necessary   
( )4. A. tea         
( )5. A. early       
( )6. A. responded   
( )7. A. disappointed
( )8. A. date        
( )9. A. interested  
( )10. A. hand       
( )11. A. menus      
( )12. A. benefit    
( )13. A. wife       
( )14. A. later      
( )15. A. meaningful 
( )16. A. years      
( )17. A. took       
( )18. A. showing    
( )19. A. deserve    
( )20. A. put on     
B. quarreled 
B. sister    
B. important 
B. movie     
B. late      
B. argued    
B. excited   
B. arrival   
B. shocked   
B. shoulder  
B. print     
B. favor     
B. husband   
B. lastly    
B. carelessly
B. minutes   
B. appeared  
B. saying    
B. enjoy     
B. put down     
C. protested  
C. daughter   
C. impossible 
C. coffee     
C. warm       
C. defended   
C. nervous    
C. secret     
C. surprised 
C. arm      
C. notes      
C. wrongs     
C. retirement 
C. finally    
C. happily    
C. days       
C. seemed     
C. sending    
C. think      
C. put up         
D. refused    
D. grandmother
D. possible   
D. chat       
D. present    
D. acted      
D. unhappy    
D. problem    
D. impressed               
D. finger     
D. letters    
D. behavior   
D. life       
D. suddenly   
D. mindlessly 
D. decades    
D. happened   
D. hearing    
D. share      
D. put off    

“躲猫猫”一词在网络窜红,起因是云南省晋宁县看守所发生的一起死亡事件。据当地公安部门通报,24岁男青年李荞明在看守所中与狱友玩“躲猫猫”游戏时头部受伤,后经医院抢救无效死亡。这一事件经媒体报道后,在网络上迅速发酵,众多网民纷纷质疑,一群成年男人在看守所中玩小孩子玩的“躲猫猫”游戏听起来非常离奇,而这种“低烈度”游戏竟能致人死亡就更加令人难以置信。于是,一场以“躲猫猫”为标志的舆论抨击热潮迅速掀起。晋宁县公安机关在没有深入调查取证的情况下,公布了李荞明是在游戏中不慎死亡的情况,是极不负责任和极不慎重的。也正因为如此,晋宁县公安机关有关领导和看守所有关领导受到行政处分。鉴于看守所长期存在管理混乱、不负责任、牢头狱霸的情况以及严重的渎职问题,检察机关当即对看守所有关人员以渎职罪立案侦查。检察机关对看守所的活动还有监督的责任,监督不仅仅是法律赋予的权利,更是义务。晋宁县检察院驻县看守所检察室,懈怠职守,没有尽到监督的责任,其驻监所检察室的主任赵泽云已经被免职。有关部门经过进一步的侦查工作,正式公布调查结果,李荞明系牢头狱霸以玩游戏为名,殴打致死。 云南省公安厅认为,这起案件暴露出晋宁县公安机关特别是看守所在队伍建设和执法管理工作中存在的突出问题,根据目前掌握的情况,依照有关规定,对相关责任人作出如下处理决定:对晋宁县公安局局长达琪明予以行政记大过处分;对晋宁县公安局分管看守所工作的副局长闫国栋予以行政记大过处分,并免去晋宁县公安局副局长职务;对负有直接领导责任的晋宁县看守所所长余成江予以行政撤职处分;对晋宁县看守所分管管教工作的副所长蒋瑛予以行政撤职处分;对负有直接责任的晋宁县看守所民警李东明(负责管理李荞明所在监室)予以辞退处理。

