
阅读短文,回答问题。 小蚂蚁 和往日一样,我一边看书一边记笔记,突然,一只小蚂蚁顺






       这简直是对我的极大(嘲笑    嘲弄    侮辱)。我心想:就算我的字写得不好吧,可总比你蚂蚁强啊!真想用笔做刀结束它小小的生命。可转念一想:它这么小,可能出世不久,还是第一次单独行动,不知深浅,就死在我的手里了,未免太可 怜。还是把它赶跑为上策。怎么赶呢?语言,它自然不懂;用指头捻,它又太小, 弄不好会误伤了它。想来想去,有了,给它一阵风吧!我吹了一口气,它还是不愿走,(坚强     勉强     顽强)地用小爪抓着纸面,依然在那里。我使劲吹了口气,给它一阵“台风”,(竟然  果然  突然)吹跑了。四处寻觅,没有找到它。我又开始写 字,把这小东西忘了。    

       正当我专心地写着,突然感到腿肚上有些痒。哟,又是那小东西在捣蛋!它不再走走停停,也不再东张西望,而是大模大样地往上爬。当它刚从书的“峭壁” 上露头,全身还没有爬上来时,我就给了它一阵“台风”,送它到“九霄云外”去了。     

       没想到,不一会儿,它竟第三次爬回来。当我发现它时,已经快攀上“五指峰”,正绕过“中峰”顽强地向“主峰”进发。它这次离我很近,可以仔细打量它一 番:全身没有半粒大米粒长,黄褐色,前边有两根须状的触角,六只小爪爬来爬去,跑起来倒蛮快,而且无论怎样光滑的地方都可以上去。你看,它不仅攀上了“五指峰”,而且连那金碧辉煌的“钢笔塔”都没有使它却步。     

       我静静地看着,默默地想着:这小小的生命竞如此顽强,不登顶峰,绝不止步! 它终于完成了使命,也许想家了吧,它又(悠然    悠闲     清闲)地爬下“五指峰”,渐渐离我而去,它越爬越远,隐隐地成了一个小斑点。可这小东西,在我眼里却渐渐地大了起来。  



(1)形容到处张望或有所期待地向四周寻找察看。(                        )  

(2)形容自以为了不起,旁若无人的样子。(                       )   

(3)形容极高极远的地方,也比喻事情无影无踪了。(                         )  

(4)形容建筑物或陈设等华丽精致,光彩夺目。(                      ) 

3.用“    ”在文中画出对小蚂蚁进行描写的句子。 






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Why 2012 was the best year ever

It may not feel like it, but 2012 has been the greatest year in the history of the world. Never has there been less hunger, less disease or more prosperity (繁荣). The West remains in the economic depression, but most developing countries are charging ahead, and people are being lifted out of poverty at the fastest rate ever recorded. The number of deaths caused by war and natural disasters is also mercifully low. We are living in a golden age.

Take global poverty as an example. In 1990, the UN announced Millennium Development Goals, the first of which was to halve the number of people in extreme poverty by 2015. It turned out this year that the target was met in 2008.

The doom-mongers (末世论者) will tell you that we cannot maintain worldwide economic growth without ruining our environment. But while the rich world’s economies grew by 6 per cent over the last seven years, fossil fuel (矿物燃料) consumption in those countries fell by 4 per cent. This remarkable achievement has nothing to do with green taxes or wind-farms. It is down to consumer demand for more efficient cars.

Advances in medicine and technology mean that people across the world are living longer. The average life span in Africa reached 55 this year. Ten years ago, it was 50. The number of people dying from Aids has been in decline for the last eight years. Deaths from malaria have fallen by a fifth in half a decade.

War has historically been human’s biggest killer. But in most of the world today, a generation is growing up that knows little of it. The Peace Research Institute in Oslo says there have been fewer war deaths in the last decade than any time in the last century.

Fifty years ago, the world was breathing a sigh of relief after the Cuban missile crisis. Young couples would discuss whether it was responsible to have children when the future seemed so dark. But now, it’s worth remembering that, in spite of all our problems, the forces of peace, progress and prosperity are prevailing (占优势).

小题1:What has caused the decrease in the fossil fuel consumption?

A.People have to pay heavier taxes on fossil fuel.

B.There are more and more renewable resources now.

C.There is a sharp decline in the number of cars.

D.People are purchasing more energy-saving cars.小题2: Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.People don’t suffer from malaria any more.

B.There were many more war deaths in the last century.

C.The young generation shows little interest in war.

D.The number of Aids-affected people is declining.小题3: Which one does NOT help prove that 2012 was the best year ever?

A.Fewer natural disasters occurred.

B.Global poverty relieved.

C.Cuban missile crisis ended.

D.Technology and medicine advanced.小题4: The author tries to inform people that _______.

A.2012 witnessed more advances in developed countries

B.2012 brought us less starvation and more prosperity

C.2012 saw economic growth as well as environmental destruction

D.2012 provided us with a peaceful world free from conflicts
