
完形填空。A Dear Grandma, How's it going? I




Dear Grandma,
       How's it going? I hope that Grandpa is well now. I was sorry to     1    that he had a cold last week. I     2    you are in good health. Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week, and got
my    3     card today. I always get nervous     4    I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I     5    OK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn't surprised to find
that my    6     report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn't true. It's just that I
find science really    7    . The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard working. And my
Spanish teacher said my listening was good. Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad
send their love.

( )1. A. see   
( )2. A. like   
( )3. A. post   
( )4. A. when   
( )5. A. was   
( )6. A. worst  
( )7. A. exciting    
B. hear   
B. wish   
B. student 
B. while  
B. did   
B. best    
B. easy          
C. listen    
C. want       
C. report    
C. since   
C. got       
C. longest  
C. interesting    
D. notice       
D. hope         
D. teacher      
D. until        
D. made         
D. shortest                            
D. difficult
       I don't know if the world is really more dangerous now than it was 30 years ago. But I'm sure that it
seems that way. The world is a dangerous place. We want our children to know it,     1    they will stay
safe. But we don't want them to be afraid all of the time. Fear is a     2     feeling. We need fear to keep us
from doing stupid things. But frequent fear is more likely to come down with illness.
       So, what can you do to keep your child safe, without fear?
       First, make your home a safe place. Make it a rule that nobody    3    anybody else in your home, neither
by deed nor by word. When you have to    4    a scary world, it helps to have a fear-free home base.
       Let your kids know that most    5    are well-mannered people. It's possible to be    6    without putting
yourself in danger. I think that the "never talk to strangers"rule often does more harm than good.
       Take steps to help those     7    , and let your children help beside you. By helping others, they'll come
to expect that others will help them if they ever need it.
       As parents, we can't make sure that our children will never come to harm. But we will always do
everything we can to keep them safe, and to make the world safer for all children and people. The experience
of being with others in a neighborhood of    8    and the safety of a peaceful home is what children need to
be able to live without fear in a dangerous world. 
( )1. A. so that 
( )2. A. terrible 
( )3. A. helps  
( )4. A. meet   
( )5. A. parents
( )6. A. friendly 
( )7. A. for money
( )8. A. hoping  
B. even if    
B. strange    
B. tells    
B. face      
B. teachers    
B. lovely      
B. in need  
B knowing  
C. before   
C. possible   
C. hurts    
C. keep    
C. friends   
C. safe       
C. with fear  
C. caring  
D. after    
D. useful     
D. warns     
D. make   
D. strangers                   
D. afraid    
D. on time
D. fighting 


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织袜机是英国牧师李o维利亚1593年发明的。关于这项发明还有一段有趣的插曲。当年这位发明家为了向织袜女工梅丽求婚,苦思冥想,别出心裁地发明了能帮助梅丽摆脱繁重劳动的织袜机,并以此作为奉献给心上人的结婚礼物。  [ ],男装最容易脏的部位是袖口和领子。没有一位妻子希望自己的丈夫是个邋遢鬼,她们总希望自己的丈夫穿着体面地走在大街上,但天天洗衣服谈何容易?1825年,美国特洛伊城的汉娜o蒙塔基的发明解决了这个难题,她设计的上衣带有可脱卸的领子,这不仅使丈夫每天都能穿着整洁,同时也大大减轻了自己以及很多像她那样的妇女家务劳动的强度。  带活轮的自行车在上一世纪末才问世。1887年,法国人皮埃尔o卡尔梅设计出了带活动轴辊的车轴。这项发明的动机是爱父之情。皮埃尔的父亲天天骑车去工作,毫不停歇地蹬车使他筋疲力尽,儿子的礼物帮了父亲的大忙。  1640年,著名的法国科学家布莱泽o帕斯卡的父亲被派往鲁昂任行政长官。17岁的小帕斯卡协助父亲计算税款。没完没了的繁杂运算弄得他疲惫不堪。小帕斯卡下决心要发明一台机器来帮助父亲完成这种费力的工作。两年以后,这种机器果真诞生了。小帕斯卡的机器只能做加法,能做乘法的计算机是铸钟匠的儿子利昂o博勒研制成功的。有意思的是,他不仅是小帕斯卡的同胞和同龄人,而且两人有相同的发明动机。

博勒为什么要发明计算机?( )





题型:单项选择题 案例分析题







