
阅读短文,完成下列问题。 I will describe(描述) three p



  I will describe(描述) three people to you. One of them is a criminal
(罪犯). Then you must decide which person is the criminal.
  Jane weighs 69 kilos and is l.75 meters tall. Her age is 39 and the size of
her shoes is 8. At the time of crime, she was wearing a brown dress. She has a
sports car.
  Jim is 30 years old and wears size 8 shoes. He is 1.82 meters tall and
weighs 68 kilos. He was wearing a green suit(酉装) on that day. He has a sports
car, too.
  Nancy is 22 years old, weighs 52 kilos, and is only 1. 50 meters tall. She
wears size 5 shoes. She was in a red blouse and skirt on the day of the crime.
She  drives a very fast sports car.
  The criminal is under 40 years old and weighs between 60 and 70 kilos.
The height is about l. 80 meters. The shoe size is 8 0r 9. We think the criminal is
wearing green clothes and driving a small fast car.
NameAgeWeightHeightShoe sizeClothingTransport
Jane391.____1.7582.____A sports car
Jim3.____684.____85.____A sports car
Nancy226.____7.____8.____9.____A sports car
Question: Who is the criminal?  10. ____.


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