



曹彬字国华,真定灵寿人。彬始生周岁,父母以百玩之具罗于席,观其所取。彬左手持干戈,右手持俎豆,斯须取一印,他无所视,人皆异之。  五年,使吴越,致命讫即还。私觌之礼,一无所受。吴越人以轻舟追遗之,至于数四,彬犹不受。既而曰:“吾终拒之,是近名也。”遂受而籍之以归,悉上送官。  初,太祖典禁旅,彬中立不倚,非公事未尝造门,群居燕会,亦所罕预,由是器重焉。建隆二年,自平阳召归,谓曰:“我畴昔常欲亲汝,汝何故疏我?”彬顿首谢曰:“臣为周室近亲,复忝内职,靖恭守位,犹恐获过,安敢妄有交结?”  七年,伐江南。长围中,彬每缓师,冀李煜归服。城垂克,彬忽称疾不视事,诸将皆来问疾。彬曰:“余之疾非药石所能愈,惟须诸公诚心自誓,以克城之日,不妄杀一人,则自愈矣。”诸将许诺。明日,稍愈。又明日,城陷。煜与其臣百余人诣军门请罪,彬慰安之,待以宾礼,请煜入宫治装,彬以数骑待宫门外。左右密谓彬曰:“煜入或不测,奈何?”彬笑曰:“煜素懦无断,必不能自引决。”煜之君臣, 卒赖保全。  初,彬之总师也,太祖谓曰:“俟克李煜,当以卿为使相。”副帅潘美预以为贺。彬曰:“不然,夫是行也,仗天威,遵庙谟,乃能成事,吾何功哉,况使相极品乎!”美曰:“何谓也?”彬曰:“太原未平尔。”及还,献俘。上谓曰:“本授卿使相,然刘继元未下,姑少待之。”既闻此语,美窃视彬微笑。上觉,遽诘所以,美不敢隐,遂以实对。上亦大笑,乃赐彬钱二十万。彬退曰:“人生何必使相,好官亦不过多得钱尔。”  咸平二年,被疾。上趣驾临问,手为和药,仍赐白金万两。六月薨,年六十九。上临哭之恸。(取材于《宋史·曹彬列传》)①觌(dí):相见



B.太祖禁旅 典:主管,掌管




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     During the years of depression(萧条), food and money were very hard to find and people had to trade
things with each other.
     One day I was   1   some potatoes from Mr Miller. I noticed a small poor boy hungrily   2   a full
basket of freshly picked green peas. Then I was  3   to see that Mr Miller sold the boy a bag of peas fo
r just a marble (弹球).
     Mrs Miller, who had been standing nearby,   4_ and told me that Mr Miller loved to trade with the
three boys in the village for peas, tomatoes, and other things   5   he didn't really need any marbles. I left
the stand, smiling to myself,   6   by this man.
     Several years went by. One day I learned that Mr Miller had died. I took part in the funeral(葬礼),
_7    three young men . They came over to Mrs Miller, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke with
her and moved on,   8   their eyes.
     Our   9   came to meet Mrs Miller. I mentioned  10    she had told me about the  11  She told me, "
Those three young men above were the boys I told you about. They just told me   12  they appreciated
the things Jim 'traded 'with them. Now, at last, they came to pay their debt."
      "We've   13    had a great deal of the wealth in this world," she  14  , "but right now, Jim wouldW#W$ W%.K**S*&5︿U consider himself to be the   15   man."
      Then she gently lifted the  16     fingers of her husband. Resting underneath were three red marbles.
     At that time I realized that we would not be   17     by our words, but by our kind   18  . It is said that
it takes a minute to find a   19  person, an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him, but an entire life to
 20   him.
( )1. A. buying  
( )2. A. reaching for
( )3. A.  astonished
( )4. A. turned over
( )5. A. but  
( )6. A. suspected
( )7. A. discovering
( )8. A. closing
( )9. A. time    
( )10. A. the story    
( )11. A. marbles
( )12. A. why      
( )13. A. ever  
( )14. A. laughed    
( )15. A. honest
( )16. A. lifeless
( )17. A. thought
( )18. A. deeds  
( )19. A. strict
( )20. A. ignore

B. selling
B. glancing at  
B. amazed    
B. going over
B. otherwise
B. impressed
B. watching     
B. rolling
B. chance      
B. the proverb  
B. men    
B. how    
B. always    
B. cried  
B. happiest  
B. regretless
B. touched  
B. things  
B. honest  
B. forget  

C. borrowing
C. staring at
C. annoyed
C. came over
C. or    
C. regretted    
C. finding
C. cleaning
C. turn  
C. the legend
C. debt  
C. when  
C. never
C. sighed
C. coldest
C. useless
C. remembered
C. remarks
C. special
C. recognize

D. hunting        
D. picking up      
D. worried        
D. coming over    
D. although        
D. embarrassed    
D. seeing          
D. wiping          
D. decision        
D. the joke        
D. life            
D. what            
D. seldom          
D. added          
D. richest        
D. hopeless        
D. affected        
D. rewards        
D. learned        
D. remind          
