
阅读理解。 Saleswoman: Can I help you? Jim:




Saleswoman: Can I help you? 

Jim: Oh, yes. How much is this T-shirt?

Saleswoman: It's only $ 29.50. 

Jim: Really? Is it on sale?

Saleswoman: Yes. It's usually $45.00. But only at the weekends, everything is at a very good price. 

Jim: OK. I'll take two T-shirts for my twin sons.

Saleswoman: What colour do they like? 

Jim: Blue.

Saleswoman: Oh, I'm so sorry. We haven't any blue ones left. How about the green ones? 

Jim: All right. Here's the money.

Saleswoman: Thanks. Here's your change (零钱).

1. Two sweaters are ______ on Monday. 

A. $28.00  

B. $45.00  

C. $90.00  

D. $56.00

2. The meaning of the phrase "on sale" is ______.   

A. 减价销售  

B. 正常营业  

C. 非卖品  

D. 高价回收

3. They are talking ______.

A. in a shop  

B. at home  

C. in a school  

D. in a hospital

4. At last (最后) Jim buys two ______ for his sons.  

A. blue sweaters                          

B. green T-shirts  

C. white jeans                          

D. yellow skirts

5. If Mary buys three ______ on Saturday here, they will cost (使……花费) her $60.00.

A. sweaters     

B. T-shirts      

C. skirts    

D. jeans


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