
院内由冠心病所致心搏骤停的成人患者,进行心肺复苏操作正确的有() A.开通气道→救生










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由题意可得OB的斜率为K0B=2-04-0=12,直线OA的斜率为 KOA=3-02-0=32,数形结合可得 直线l过原点且与线段AB相交时,直线l的斜率的取值范围为 [12,32],故答案为 [12,32].


依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是[ ]



③近期以来,关于美国军事_________调整的报道经常见诸报端,但这些报道多为军事专家的揣测之词。 ④这次选出的委员_________了各个方面的代表,对此,社会各界普遍感到满意。

A.不齿 不利 部署 包含

B.不耻 不利 布置 包含

C.不耻 不力 布置 包涵

D.不齿 不力 部署 包涵


The two-week vacation at the end of summer school ended yesterday. Kevin had gone nowhere during his vacation. He had the money, but he hated to travel alone. He used to take vacations with Gary, his youngest brother, but they had a big argument at the end of their last vacation. Each of them had spent the last three years waiting for the other to apologize.

Kevin did not feel good about being on non-speaking terms with his favorite brother. But he was not going to ask for forgiveness when, in his mind, this whole misunderstanding was his brother’s fault.

So Kevin’s summer vacation was spent in his own “back yard.” As usual, he had planned to clean up his apartment. As usual, two weeks later his apartment looked just as it had two weeks before.

He did do one thing new and different during his vacation. There was a new coffee shop on Foothill Street. It served 25 varieties of delicious coffee at reasonable prices, and the staff was genuinely friendly. The shop was air-conditioned at a slightly chilly temperature. About eight small round tables were inside. Outside were four bigger tables. Each had four white metal chairs around it, and several big umbrellas provided shade. Even on hot afternoons, there was usually a pleasant breeze.

Kevin visited the coffee shop four times during his vacation. He always sat at a table outside by himself and read the free daily paper. Each day he was there, he read most of the newspaper articles while he enjoyed two cups of coffee.

Between articles, he took breaks by watching the nearby traffic and pedestrians. The coffee shop was next to a huge parking lot. The lot was for customers of a grocery store, movie rental store, pharmacy, bank, and restaurant. Kevin considered his outdoor seat the perfect place for one of his favorite activities—people watching.

The coffee shop, with its excellent location and coffee, had helped make his vacation a pleasant one. But he knew in his heart, had his brother been there to join him just one day, his vacation would have been a perfect one.

小题1: Why didn’t Kevin go anywhere during his vacation?

A.Because he was short of money.

B.Because he didn’t like traveling.

C.Because he had no company.

D.Because he had to clean up his apartment.小题2: What did Kevin do in his vacation?

A.He cleaned up his apartment.

B.He had a big argument with Gary.

C.He worked in a parking lot.

D.He stayed at home most of the time.小题3: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the coffee house?

A.It served delicious coffee of different flavors.

B.It had an effective air-conditioning system.

C.It was often crowded with local customers.

D.It provided free newspapers for customers.
